Hey Girl in the Moonlight

That’s probably one of my fav episodes. The Jenifer Lewis episode today was also hilarious and amazing.

His character on Next Gen was Geordi, not George

No amount of hipster bullshit veneer can be put on religion that will cover some of its more damaging aspects.

I’ve only lived in Oakland for 4 years but I get it.

That lady behind him is the real MVP. That eyeroll is height of being done with this bullshit

Unless he’s running for President, them I’m totes okay with that - Senate Republicans.

The whole “I feel really badly that she didn’t feel like the process worked” non-apology is not enough in this day and age. Has he thoroughly examined his part in the hearing that led to the process not working for her, not just what she felt? I expect better from him.

Where have I heard something similar? Oh right, the non-apologies!

Nope, she did not

Was HRC claiming to be the “I’ve always been a progressive icon” that Bernie claimed to be? There are ideas you expect from Democrats, Republicans, Greens and people that identify as Progressives. If your ideas and policies don’t match that label, you should get called out.

This is fucking key!

Those aren’t exactly 10 different types seeing as number 1 and 6 are the same person...

It’s so weird how people love to profess their ignorance. Congratulations, you’re above pop culture, yet commenting on a pop culture article/blog? They could literally google her before posting their comment! You don’t get bonus points for being insufferable.

I told my now bf on our first date that I did not want kids. It was at oktoberfest so we’d both been drinking but it was a big realization for me at ~25 yrs old that I did not want kids and something I am unwilling to change my mind about. So, I let him know early on and he does not want kids either. I know Maggie and

This will be my last response to you because I have a real life job. If you genuinely want to learn, I have recommendations at the end of this post.

It’s funny and has a good beat.

Houston is such a freaking diverse city that they’ll definitely get a new demographic of fans. If the racist shitbags dont want to come to games anymore, fine. There are other people that will show up. Shit, I’ll buy tickets for my family members and friends in Houston to go to the damn games.

Yup. If we win a bunch of games with Kaepernick, the racist shitbags will shut the fuck up. They’ll still probably say racist shit, they’ll just end it with Go Texans!

As a Texans fan, do you know what I care about? Winning. Having a competent QB that can keep us close enough in games to have a shot at winning. All these flag humping assholes will shut the fuck up if the Texans make a decent run in the playoffs.

Your argument makes zero sense. The DNC wasn’t outspoken enough about racism and sexism so they lost voters, who in turn voted for a racist, sexist asshole?