He was on an episode of Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me and he just came across as this nice guy, loves his kids, common sense approach to politics but his voting record does not reflect that.
He was on an episode of Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me and he just came across as this nice guy, loves his kids, common sense approach to politics but his voting record does not reflect that.
My thoughts exactly. I am perfectly fine having one craft beer and just enjoying the taste. I can go a week (or more) without drinking and don’t miss it. I still manage to average trying 100 new beers a year.
Yes, a lot of Black immigrants do buy into the stereotype we are told about Black Americans when we first get here. It is through engaging that we start to see the BS. I also know lots of African kids that got picked on and called names by black kids when they got here. I was mocked for my accent by black people in…
There’s the Ben Sasse crowd, for lack of a better term, who doesn’t really mess with Trump, even if no one sane would call them liberals and even if they don’t really mess with the Democratic Party either.
She was killed off Charmed and I’m sure they can find some magic to bring Prue back but I don’t see how 4 witches would work. Didn’t they try that with Kaley whatsherface? Either way, definitely should not reboot it any time soon.
Ah The Slot, barely hiding their blaming of Democrats/Hillary for all that is wrong in politics.
After opening a bank account about 10 years ago, the freebie checkbook they gave me ran out and I got to choose a new design for my checkbook. I went with an Astros theme. For many years, I was not allowed to forget the aggressive mediocrity that was the Astros. I have been really proud to write my rent check every…
4 years with Dude in the Moonlight tomorrow. No plans for marriage, definitely no kids, we don’t even live together. Sometimes I want us to live together cos Bay Area rent is no joke but nah, I like having my space. I’m dreading taking him to weddings now because we’ll get asked when we’ll get married. I guess I need…
Then they have the gall to tell me not to complain about being tired because I don’t have kids and its a luxury that I wake up 7 am on weekends and can’t go back to sleep and chuckle while saying “I wish waking up at 7am on weekends was considered sleeping in”, well fuck you, you chose to have kids. I will complain…
That’s not a bad take, that is the worst take.
Told someone yesterday that I don’t clown on my brothers because I’ll do permanent psychological damage.
I’m tired of christians saying god is using trump and god uses sinners and look, he appointed Neil Gorsuch to the supreme court! Yes, god used sinners in the bible but they were repentant and willing to become better people. trump has not shown remorse or the capacity for change. Just say that you wanted to win and…
My bf got me a Lil’ Sebastian Pop figurine.
I don’t think anyone loves Shiplap as much as Joanna. Get you a spouse that loves you like Joanna Gaines loves Shiplap
I mute it every single time.
I watch almost all procedurals. It is nice to have in the background and know that I only have to pay attention to who died in the beginning of each episode and who did it at the end. Also want to know what the characters are up to in their lives. I was a big fan of Ziva and hope they eventually bring another strong…
Off topic and unpopular opinion. That’s how I felt about the backlash against Trevor Noah initially after Jon Stewart left. It’s not that Trevor isn’t funny, they just weren’t comfortable hearing those things if it wasn’t coming from the mouth of a white dude.
I still don’t get the people that bitched about having to register as a democrat to vote in the democratic party primaries. It costs nothing to register, in some states you can even register online, for free. Saying your vote was suppressed because you didn’t do what you, as an adult, was supposed to do on time was…
They’ll hit you with the “DNC rigged it for Hillary so Bernie didn’t really lose” bullshit. So DNC rigged it against Bernie and he couldn’t overcome that but Hillary was supposed to magically overcome all that shit she was up against in the general?