Hey Girl in the Moonlight

Considering she was acting alongside Toni Collette and John Corbett, she was pretty amazing in United States of Tara. She’ll always be Princess Valhalla Hawkwind to me.

I definitely skip the episodes with SNL cast members because he basically makes them feel sorry for him that he never made it to SNL. It makes me cringe and unless I really like his guest, I usually skip his podcast.

Point to the exact line in my original comment that accused you of an evil plan.

I rarely wear makeup because I am lazy and already have to deal with my afro every morning. Also, was never taught how and never really interested in it. I get more women telling me to wear more makeup (which is an insult no matter how they put it) than not. I’ll put some foundation/powder on when I look like I only

I am no Bernie bro, but...

The “let it all burn down” or “tear every thing down” wing baffles me. You assume that things get rebuilt the way you want. You don’t even have a seat at the table to rebuild things the way you want. Take the effort to repeal obamacare. If it had passed, democrats/left leaning independents would have no say on the

I know 1 person that cheated on their wife, married the person they cheated with and have been married longer to wife 2 than wife 1. They are the exception not the rule.

I hope they’ll get some women to write the sequel. I could tell men wrote the first one and there are some super problematic parts of WW. Also, fewer slo-mo pls, thx!

Please clap.

If you’re not doing anything highlighted in this piece, you won’t feel personally attacked. If you feel attacked, maybe there is more to do. Look inwardly and try to be better. Its a journey not a destination. Nobody needs to read your “woe is me” and “I guess if I can’t do it right, I’ll just not try” shit. When ppl

LOL. My mom is a deaconess, I told her about 3 years ago that I don’t go to church. I was upset at her for some reason. She asked if I haven’t found the right church or not going anymore. Told her I wasn’t looking and not going. I think that is as far as I will push it with her. If I added that I was an atheist, she

Part of why I go home once a year is because I don’t want my mom to wake me up at 6am to pray every morning. Argh, can we not. I used to feel bad because I couldn’t “speak in tongues” but I could mimic the pastor cos he always repeated the same pattern...

Do you see anything at all problematic with religion or the way the church is being practiced? I have a problem with my mom paying her tithe but struggling to pay her actual bills. I have a problem with pastors making exceptions for other pastor’s infidelities but not doing the same for common church folks. I have a

Took me a lot longer to stop believing (I was a stupidly obedient child). It took years of me just thinking about things and realizing each one was more fucked up than the other. Also, all the contradictions. My mom’s church is strongly against alcohol, the church I attended in graduate school had no problem with ppl

The tone was what got me. I had picked a bag of brussel sprouts and a bag of potatoes and they were priced the same and I didn’t really care since it would last for a while. I live in the Bay Area, everything is freaking expensive.

That’s expensive; are you sure you want that?

Edit: Apparently it’s Toni Collette, whoever the bloody hell that is.

I read somewhere that she would typically book about 90 weddings in a season and she was only able to book 2 when the smear campaign began.

This is a good hot take and I agree. I still haven’t heard a version that matches the Gravitas of the original. A lot of ppl can put emotion into it but no one can put weight into it like Leonard Cohen.