
If you’re gonna move to our neighborhood, you’re gonna conform to our way of life. Not the other way around.

That is the best part of living in the red river area! Your proximity to the night life venues. Who the fuck moves there for a quiet retreat?!

I had to turn the volume on my computer way up to hear that ‘jingling’...the sound of her moving around in the car were many times louder.

True story, I dated a guy who lived down the street from the ice cream truck depot in the West Village. Around 5pm, every summer evening, they all roll out as an adorably coordinated sugar-fueled cheer army. The jingles were always delightful because even though they were loud, they just sound like happiness.

Agreed. But sometimes an officer will go full on ape-mode and make things worse for an innocent person when they notice the phone or dashcam.

Like I said, she’s generally correct. Most of the issue lies in the fact that she was called out on the Color Purple and didn’t even acknowledge it. How hard is it to be “You’re right, of course, but we need more films like that celebrating all the stories that have yet to be told.”


I go to Manassas about once a year. My aunt lives there. Not ghetto.

Hey, I like my Sprint service. I tried to switch to Verizon and they wanted like $30/mt more. No thanks.

Husband didn’t seem particularly interested in fighting dude.

Nope. The day Trump got elected, my Massachusetts neighbor started flying the confederate flag in front of his house instead of the US flag (ironically, but not unsurprisingly, right next to the flag with Jesus on it). I’ve seen a few more since. You used to see the occaisional small confederate flag sticker on a

Could you imagine being MARRIED to this lady?

1. Yes, Trump’s election has emboldened the casual and not-so-casual racists to be more open about it.
2. Cell phones and social media have allowed us to capture and spread more of these incidents.

A lot of these heauxs talk big game but when it come to it they need someone else to step in....

Serious non-trolling question from an early 30's white dude from Canada...

A lot to unpack:

Sessions is at the DOJ. Might as well show the footage and article to my dog.

“Handled” 37 times and NOT currently in prison. I wonder how many of those 37 times were bullshit that they ignore white people for...

And no, asshole, this video doesn’t make your officers “look” bad. The sons of cunts ARE bad. Investigate the leakers! Yeah, because investigating your shit officers is too much like

But they said shooting unarmed black people was not who they were...I’m confused! This couldn’t have happened!!!

You Balch Springs PD win my sincere and heartfelt first FUCK YOU! of the day.