
So many people make this website what it is every day for its readers, and most people never see their bylines on the site. Kavi’s one of those people. It can’t be overstated just how much Kavi’s done for Jalopnik and its readers. Any contentious story, any big investigation, anytime we had a question about who or

As much as I hate to say this, I can kind of understand this after dealing with some frustrating recalls. Recalls used to be a “We are recalling this, so we will have the parts available to fix in a few days and you can get it done this week”; now it is “This is a recall, and the parts should be available in 6 months

Why do you think wealthy people that can afford luxury items such as a V12 BMW are automatically weak, insecure and dumb ?

Could be wrong since it’s very hard to see but British company... maybe the driver is on the other side?

As I am with most things McLaren has been doing lately, I’m impressed with this car as well.

Now playing

The road marking thing has long been an exploit...

Didn’t think I’d read a story about Elizabeth Warren protecting private property today...2019 continues to surprise me

New Yorkers: It’s too crowded, let’s charge a congestion tax!

Prediction: The congestion charge will only just barely pay for the administration and collection of the congestion charge.

This is the Fancy Kristen we miss and I can’t get enough of 

And zero minutes of acceptance testing for the stupid name “Taycan.”

This is just me and is only semi-related, but I think I’d have a hard time with adapting to a semi-autonomous driving system that requires continuous attention.

A Vauxhall with performance on par with a Ferrari—that’s mind blowing.

I want one.

Not sure how it looks dated. Unless “dated” means it looks like it wasn’t attacked by a madman with an ax. Maybe it is dated because it has windows you can actually see out of?

As someone with aeronautical and mechanical engineering schooling, this was a great explanation of the tradeoffs that are taken into consideration for vehicle design. Almost every decision made on one part affects other parts and designs. As a whole, vehicles are wicked complicated!

Oh, BTW, fun fact: Brawn could barely afford to pay Jensen Button so his contract stipulated they had to give him one of the only two (now historic) Brawn chassis, which he still owns last I heard.

People really dismissed Button, giving majority credit to the car, saying how he’s no good.  But Button drove nuts off that car.  Sure he built up the sort of cushion early in the season, but his driving, particularly the second half where Brawn had pretty much no development whatsoever, was gutsy and gritty, he drove

This is Jalopnik at its best. Thank you.

My wife and I have the following exchanges constantly.

Paparazzi. It clears them from the property line and there’s plenty of time before the next batch of them feel like the coast is clear to make a return. See also Shawn Woods and his Mousetrap Monday for similar techniques applied to smaller vermin.