Not me. Ben Franklin once said “he who is willing to sacrifice liberty for a little safety, deserves neither liberty nor safety.”
Women pay more than men in half the US
More cars should come with a button that turns the screen right off too. That’s a feature I really like from Dodge and Jeep. A big ol SCREEN OFF button.
You talked me into it. We need F1 and Indy to run at the same time, like IMSA, but open wheel.
I was trying to think of an Amtrak joke, but I couldn’t stay on track.
I feel like that’s the response of everyone who works in an “industry.”
As an official representative from the Brotherhood of Insufferable Pedants, I would like to invite you to our Tuesday meeting.
I guess the short answer would be to read the article, and appreciate the differences when there’s a fire?
And in case anyone wonders what his time was and how it compares to F1:
-He did 1:46.0177
-F1 2018 Pole was 1:37.392
But he’s willing to trade for one of the following:
what do you mean “to bring in clicks” — it’s an infamous video, people know it, here’s the backstory, why he did it, and what kind of shit it got him at the time (and also a ton of interesting context on Japan’s relationship with Ferrari, and the characters involved in that)
“That’s ok, I’m waiting on the 1601 hp Jesko S” Fancy Kristen
You can’t blame Lewis for this. Every British person knows that if a piece of dirt never had a Union Jack on it, it must be unexplored.
This is what happens to a Mustang when it is made to do “high-performance” maneuvers near a crowd that it is not allowed run over/devour. It commits suicide because its population-culling purpose remains unfulfilled.
Well JR should know if they are legit or not. I think its pretty cool that he personally tries to verify it so people don’t get ripped off from spending some serious coin.