Yep, the AK is gonna be about $20,000 - $30,000 plus the tax stamp and background check, last I heard that was running about 6 months...
Yep, the AK is gonna be about $20,000 - $30,000 plus the tax stamp and background check, last I heard that was running about 6 months...
To be clear, you only need a license for each explosive shell. I err shells are (legally) just hunks of metal.
You forgot the M8 Buford, a light tank that was adopted in the 90's and then abandoned.
Whats really funny is that around where I live, the police aren’t the ones getting these vehicles, its the fire departments.
I must confess that I really don’t get the problem with grid girls. They are being paid to hold a sign, same as any road worker in the western world :)
Me too brother. My dream is a McLaren F1, but that will never happen, this just might.
That’s hilarious. Also maneuverability.
It also had unboosted controls, which meant that they got extremely hard at high speed, they only had 100 or 125 rounds for the 20mm cannon and lets face it, a pair of 7.7 mm doesn’t cut it in WW II.
Initial versions had about 950 HP with the Sakae 12 engine, later they installed the Sakae 21 with about 1100, then upped it to just over 1300 by 1943. I will have to dig out my copy of Janes All The Worlds Aircraft to get exact figures, but if you compare power to weight ratios, the first A6M5's were possibly the…
Actually, they did increase the power of the Zero, they just didn’t develop the airframe to take advantage of it. Unlike most warplanes, arguably, the best Zero’s were the midwar variants with more power but no extra equipment to weigh it down. As Saboru Sakai showed over Iwo Jima, even then, a truly exceptional pilot…
Dunno, I drive a large sedan. According to the NHTSA the cars with the best combines safety ratings are large sedans. So I guess I am saying, everybody ought to drive an S-Class. :)
Dont particularly care about the title question, but I have exactly one great bumper sticker story.
True, but that’s a driver issue, you just have to corner slower in an SUV. And yes, I am in favor of increasing my safety by taking certain measures that you are free to do as well, even if-by not taking them-your safety is diminished.
I have to disagree, punishing the consumer is not the answer. How about we try rewarding the manufacturer instead?
I do think my life is more important than yours, it’s mine and i occasionally enjoy living it.
But physics is inexorable. A 5000 pound truck will generally do better in an accident than a 3000 pound sedan. My large sedan (~4500 lbs when I’m in it) will do better in a collision than a compact Hatchback, but not as well as a Suburban. You can make a smaller, lighter car do extremely well in a crash against a much…
You have an excellent point, on the other hand, reinstating dueling would make a few executives think twice about pulling these kinds of shenanigans as well.
Yep, this was almost as good as Bahrain 2014
So answer me this. I grew up as the second of six kids, so minivans are right out (only 7 seats) and we were quite poor, so a 12 or 15 passenger van was out. Then again, we are all quite tall (shortest sister is 5 foot eight inches) so the old, gold, Chevy Caprice wagon couldn’t cut it much past age ten or so. So we…
Try doing it on Grand Prix Legends. 400-500 hp cars without any aero. Even the real F1 drivers they brought in to test the game said that it was harder than real life.