
I agree with your first paragraph completely. There maybe a fine line with a chibi look and what other artist try to mimic but Funkos look dead and lack personality. They sort of look like there is just the barest amount detail so you know who the character is. Don’t like how they shape the bodies or the head.

Overwatch players? Salty?

It’s a problem a lot of people who have experienced sustained harassment end up facing - eventually you simply come to expect it from everyone, develop a confirmation bias, and begin misattributing innocuous statements or actions to ill-intentioned motivations.

Now playing

NeiR:Automata definitely has a lot of combo potential. Here’s Donguri, one of the best DMC players around, showing that potential off.

That was probably Plan A. Basically all the jobs Trump will create will be the armies of people who have to tell him, “No, you can’t do that.” and tell the world, “What he meant to say was...”

Well, yeah. He can issue whatever the hell he wants...and no one has to do a goddamn thing until he’s actually president.

“Why do we need Ambassadors. I mean they’re great guys, the best, but when I let everyone know about everything via Twitter using the best words, you know they’re tremendous words, what’s the need for them.

I mean, presumably the cable read: “On January 21st, all ambassadors will be formally recalled. Make plans accordingly.”

This, this, exactly this. If you find anything condescending about the segment, you’re looking for it. The guests always enjoy gaming, and Conan knows and uses to his comedic advantage his extreme lack of gaming skill. It’s the same nerd shtick he’s been doing since 1993. And if you think it’s remotely mean-spirited,

Right. Conan isn’t being a bully, he’s just being himself. (Read: ridiculous)

This must be why I see vaginas everywhere!

They’ve grown annoying. Liked one or two for a while.

I don’t find it condesending either. There’s a lot of silly things about video games that are inherently true, but gamers have gotten so used to it it’s normal. Clueless gamer is basically a stand up routine about a specific game. It’s not meant to be completely serious, but just true enough that it’s funny

I mean I suppose even as a burnt finger it isn’t necessarily not a sex toy.

A finger. Dammit Capcom, what happened to you? Remember when you made a chainsaw controller, seemingly just for the hell of it? I’m not mad at you, I’m just disappointed.

Exactly. I burn my penis every day and it looks nothing like this.

His overall humor is pretty mocking. He makes fun of the subjects of his skits, he makes fun of his guests, and he makes fun of himself. I think that’s why I’ve always liked his comedy in comparison with some of the other late night hosts

Games still arent considered mainstream. Im 36, i know a lot of people who played games as kids, into highschool, even their early 20s, but less and less people in their mid 30s who do. I definitely know those who do, but I work in a profession where bringing up video games as a hobby is looked down upon. I work

Some of them are better than others. I personally think they are usually funny overall, but I was already a fan of Conan and I know some people don’t much care for him. I could see why people might not like the segment, but apparently it’s popular enough for them to consider a spinoff show.