
I LOVE Aubrey Plaza as Aaron Burr, sir, and I think she should totally be in a genderbent version on B-way or somewhere. Genderbent Hamilton revival.  

The thing about the Walking Dead, is that all of the characters are stupid (ALL OF THEM), and the plot is dependent on keeping them stupid (because zombies are slow).

I also feel like the saviours are the borg. You will be assimilated or be killed. You serve the collective and are disposable. There is no other depth or purpose there.

Then they should go ahead and kill off all the dudes. Except maybe one? Get rid of the zombies, too, nobody really cares about them. Bring on Brian K. Vaughan, that dude could use—

I lost my phone once and next thing I know it had denied an African American family housing and refused to sell a cake to a gay couple.

This is a fucked up comment.

plus the whole reason rocco didnt want to live with madge anymore was because she was taking him on tour. tour is probably fine for young kids but can we blame a 15 year old to not want to travel around the world and be home schooled. he just wants to go to school and smoke joints with his friends

She’s very famously a helicopter mom, and forces her regimented lifestyle on her kids. Madonna is the worst kind of mom, the kind who sees her children as extensions of herself rather than as independent people.

My son made his decision of where to live at age 13.

uhhhhhhh but even if he is a teenage brat (which you have no idea) 15 IS old enough to pick where he lives. the courts acknowledge that. madonna’s “right to parent” is overruled by the child decision if both homes are court approved options.

kids are going to do shitty things, whether or not a parent is doing their best. that’s dumb logic.

Bethenny Getting on My Nerves? 

But it feels like a long shot at best and sadly, nothing more.

If the tone you were going for in the Kristin Davis section was total asshole, you really nailed it.

In 2011, Kristin Davis adopted Gemma Rose Davis. In 2016, Davis realized that her whiteness only protects her and not her daughter. Great.

See, whenever I try to IM God, she always has her fucking away message up. Oh well.


I’m conflicted.

It’s okay to wish him good health and still think he is an asshole.

I really feel bad for Kim and their kids.