
Obviously it's a law they made to make examples of people to deter others from doing stupid things like taking a selfie when you're about to be impelled. I highly doubt they are pulling everyone aside, just the extreme cases.

We may have stumbled on a whole new variable here.

well it is about fast but it's about combining that with firm stroking that hits the under belly lol.

8 episodes for this one season. Watch it then ask for a 2nd season like i am

That one joke where he was asking about Steve Jobs or Steve Woz proved to me the show was worthy, lets keep the buz going and get a 2nd and 3rd season

Do it, they use nerd stereotypes but also use real references to keep the real coders satisfied. So it's not just a bunch of made up bs it actually will make you laugh if you have a friend who has a startup.

Jurassic Park was a big moment, but your right, T2 was just so amazing, we watched the VHS over and over and over.

Android has been using the style for awhile and web design has been moving in that direction, Apple is late to the game.

That may be but I always cheer for the underdog. People may say Jobs was the visionary but he was as you said the manager, able to get the product and convey the correct brand idea to the public. But Woz is the cool geek behind it all who did great and interesting things people I hope like this video shows, appreciate.

Woz was the true hero of Apple. It's a dishonor to give steve jobs so much credit

Read his book iWoz, and you'll see how truly brilliant he is. The guy invented the Brickles game when people were still trying to figure out how to put their phone cord into the wall.

Its because you don't understand what she is doing. The percussion were recorded sounds she made with her mouth looped by the Ableton midi controller to her left. The midi piano was used to make the guitar riffs, and the "yeahs" and other things she did at the beginning were just meant to be loops stored in the bank

Its because you don't understand what she is doing. The percussion were recorded sounds she made with her mouth looped by the Ableton midi controller to her left. The midi piano was used to make the guitar riffs, and the "yeahs" and other things she did at the beginning were just meant to be loops stored in the bank

Well then you simply don't understand how things work then, end of story. Facebook does not create the content and you are having a hard time dealing with someone pointing out your contradiction. Judging by the rest of your comments in your profile you seem to just whine and argue with other people. You need to chill

The good thing is you can set it to turn off which is good for us forgetful sleepyheads.

I would also like to put one vote towards the Extreme Q. It's not as "pretty" as the volcano but it's still amazing and extremely efficient. The less amount of bud you put in the better it works. Literally all you need is a pinch for a full bag. The remote control comes in handy if you live in an apartment where your

Yeh it is different. If you work in the industry you would realize that front-end/back-end coding is different than community driven content. One is the structure the other is the audience. This might be the reason why you are having such a hard time understanding. Perhaps a book might suit you?

I'm not arguing semantics, you just refuse to admit that you don't know how Facebook works. By your definition all TV shows should be considered advertising companies because they allow product placement in their programming. Not my fault your tiny brain is having a hard time grasping this concept.

But you have it wrong again. Facebook doesn't create the content, as you write, the users do. Facebook creates the code and algorithms that sort and index this information for people to view. Code is a huge part of technology and that is what makes this a tech company. Many tech companies rely on advertising as a form

It has less to do with daddy issues and more to do with poverty and having no other course of action but to let a creepy old dude like yourself pick her up.