
You can construe it all you want but Facebook has always been a social media company which is related to technology. Advertising is just part of their revenue model. It's like saying a game in the App Store is an advertising company because they generate revenue by selling Adspace on the top of their Apps.

There's no way the 1st and 2nd ones are any uglier than those hideous red ones in 3rd. The flat band looks like some cheap 80s design gone wrong.

This article is "tech related" ya dumbwit. You just contradicted yourself.

I dont get it. You're biracial but have people assume you're white with an asian fetish? Wouldn't most people assume you were asian because of the skin color?

Sure it does lots of asian guys i know have hot white girlfriends

It actually isn't that much. Drug mules in Europe and coming out of S. America swallow large balloons of drugs in far greater numbers sometimes filling up the intestine.

You need to wake up and realize that if your kid is 14 he's a teenager and he's already obsessing over sex as it's a natural part of growing up. You may think that other kids and your son are not "preoccupied" with this stuff but you're wrong. They are, they just don't tell their friends Mom about it. What teenager

I bet you're such a fun lay. Do you put latex gloves on before diving in?

You obviously have never been in a close long-term relationship where you live with someone. It would be impossible for your girlfriend to never fart. Are you going to send her out to the alleyway to take her morning dumps so Mr. Baby can go on living without hearing a girl fart? lols.

"Dutch oven!"

I never suggested I was immune to stereotypical judgements. But what I said remains true, people don't just stop being racist one day when they have a long history of racism. It's built into the way they were raised.

Once a racist, always a racist. They just get better at hiding and justifying it.

I like how the camera guy slowly backs away as if to weigh the worth of his live against capturing an extra few seconds of an avalanche coming his way to put on youtube. Too bad they didn't at least break a leg.

Well I would care about my friends playlist's so for that aspect sure rdio would be an interesting social network of music discovery. But this is definitely PR talk to claim that MP3 Bloggers will die out because of this. For actual new and fresh sounds I would still goto the small label blogs and the established

MP3 blogging has been pushing new music for many years now. Websites like hypem started aggregating the blogs and things got a little out of control and electronic and indie music took off. Now it's quite amazing how popular house and dubstep have become in the mainstream. 8 years ago electronic/indierock music was in

I read the details of the trojan and apparently you are infected by visiting a malicious website through a java applet that exploits an unfixed flaw. It prompts for your admin password, if you enter the password, when you open Safari it injects a binary payload into the Safari process. Even if you don't enter the

It code probably just waits for Safari to be opened then injects itself into the process to be executed.

nah the botnet would be the aggregate of infected computers, the Command&Control is a remote server, usually a compromised webserver or some cloud service like Amazon EC3 that has been purchased with stolen information, which delivers a payload when contacted.

Maybe the biased liberal media put it there, lol. Or maybe it was possessed by demons, so many questions?

but the individual mandate doesn't come into play until 2014. So this problem you've manufactured isn't even part of the argument yet. Why do American's pay so much for drugs compared to other countries? Because of lobbyists and monopolies and because of how your private insurance is run. Come over to the darkside of