
These are all valid points but I think you miss why these products were so successful. It was more about the experience than the technical prowess. Being able to sit in a room and blast people away on 4 person split screen was a first (before everyone started using Live). Built in voice communication made it easier to

Nice strawman argument, you're good at at trying to flip things around. You are making it a culture thing because you are describing your argument as "Us versus Them" without understanding what you're talking about. The situation is far more complex and intertwined with power structures, that are cross-cultural,

Well considering this post was quoting someone else who was talking about the image being a certain size, it's safe to say that this image was probably compressed (passed around) a few more times before ending up in this post. Makes me wonder how many other arguments you just pull out from thin air in these comments.

Damn, I wanted to bring up the lens, hopes crushed.

You don't know how globalisation works do you? It's not just the Sheiks making insane money but also the private western contractors and other big industry players. It's not like the big bad east just came and took your money. It's Western politicians out there getting rich and making it happen as well. So let's not

Looks like she is in a few other photos so she probably went all in on that deal lol.

And now those silly white masks people wear don't seem so silly. I'd probably pack a Hazmat suit if I was going to urban China.

Your DSLR camera man needs a viewfinder so he can pullfocus. Or at least get him to learn how to read the lens aperture and judge distance. Not just any newb can pick up a 7D and make it look good. But that's probably the reason why no one pays for these jobs anymore because they can just take someone who already

I came from a Mac Pro, Nehelem generation with dual xeon's so this is much faster. I got the Samsung 3D monitor with 120hz refresh rate, could care less about the 3D but the 120hz is great for light/aircraft effects in games like Starcraft2. This is probably a much better upgrade option rather than getting a new

I just hooked up such a LGA2011 setup with a 3930 and a 16gb corsair quad-channel kit. This post just got me pumped to find the last cable I need. Little tip for others like me, some mobo's need a 4-pin power connector for your DIMM slots to be properly juiced.

People commenting forget it's the exclusivity and hype that drive sales like this, now "I could probably get two Mclaren's for that money."

It just proves that celebrities are so insulated sometimes that they miss out on certain skills, like not having an assistant bring you everything. They should definitely leave the thinking to Matt Damon.

Or it could be applied to things like the biomedical industry as seen in a previous blog post about MRI's and Touchpads. Just because it might not be a boon to big consumer industries it could still very well play specialized roles if HP can get cheap hardware out.

Pfft, everyone knows you need one of these:

Do you do this in the produce section of the grocery as well?

I've been around a group of people who got bear maced and they did not look happy. Many had to seek medical help. The spray in the air also burns like hell. You can feel your eyes watering/burning just being in the vicinity.

Duh guys, does it need to be pointed out that Woz loves all gadgets. He just bumps Apple stuff and walks around questions that criticize the products because he is a share holder and because he's a nice guy and wouldn't undercut old friends by giving bad press.

Well part of Arnie's character is that he basically is the same character in all his movies, just varying shades and occupations. Having him run the commentary like that is just icing. I don't know if he does it on purpose but the guy is a smart business man, he has got to be aware of his meme status and what got him

haha Arnold. The way he does the commentary is really the very reason why people love his characters. Only with Arnold can an action film be revived as an even better comedy.

This type of currency has already been available in places such as Hong Kong.