
That's harsh have you tried probiotics? Or better yet there is this green bottle at the pet store called "Solid Gold Meal" that is basically some flax seed and some other powder that helps with diarrhea. I had a dog with the same problem and she was losing a lot of weight. I mix in two pinches of this stuff with her

What I'm worried about is what happened in Italy recently where laws are making it impossible for things like Wikipedia to exist.

That's exactly it. It's very rare to see a line-up and the Fanfare that Apple does. Apple has a special kind of fan base that has developed over a long time. It's just funny to try and do the same thing for a Windows 7 PC or a Mango phone lol. The whole image of Windows was professional, something you use at work. I'm

That's the sad thing, they knew no one would line-up so they have to bait an audience with the Black Keys. Otherwise the photos of empty Microsoft store openings would crush their brand renewal.

I'm still waiting for a touch device that doesn't lag when you handwrite on it. It's really the response that holds people back. Also I saw a review of this which showed that some layers weren't recognized and the angle and view of the device matters a lot.

The Pacific tv mini-series was an interesting take on the period if you're into war drama.

I use the mini buzz trimmers that come with a electronic shaver kit (the heavy barber metal ones). I have the most sensitive skin which is why I can't use a razer. I never have a problem using a buzzer against the grain on the face. Just make sure you by a very strong one, weak buzzers pull at the hair sometimes

You know, I might just start doing this to check e-mail/save time in the morning.

yeh you can but also note that you can't run bootcamp with SSD's in RAID.

I only read newspapers dipped in gold.

Maybe we have different ideas of what scripted is. These people are still faking their asses off and are a waste of time.

It was just a headline grabber to bring in the camera people and iPhone people.

It's an iPhone!

Of course no one can tell the difference at this resolution. I'd like to see these two clips on my 30" Dell which can fit basically two full 1920x1080 streams on one screen. Also as everyone has mentioned, the sensor size is the big thing. 5D has that nice film depth

Yeh they had someone do the algorithm and code the app but the real interesting thing here is that lego robotics design.

Real world is one of the first examples of the "reality" shows but is still a major example of manufactured reality. I don't consider it reality because of many factors. Larry David doesn't write a script for his shows either, just the general ideas, and allows the actors to improv. Doesn't mean Curb your Enthusiasm

I wonder if this was used in a war ? Pretty awesome piece of history right there.

haha yeh actually it was a homemade bong this kid made without thinking about the parts. Still funny to think how stupid it was.

Also useful for the clumsy masterbator!

troll. Anyone in the industry knows reality shows are "scripted" but not in the traditional sense. The producers coach everyone on the show and setup situations to give expected outcomes whether the actors know they are being manipulated or not. It's a fact in the industry if you've ever worked in it. Also the camera