
Not if you can put it all back together perfectly.

haha omg an Iceland attack? That is about as bright of a move as trying to invade Russia with their winters. Even after suffering through iceland, the east coast Canadian French don't F around.

About time they made a decision on how prototypes are managed.

Same as people strolling along Camden town on a friday night trying to buy pills and ending up with rolled up pieces of paper. People need to be smarter with their money. Maybe kick the tires first?

So what, I missed a comma and shortened the sentence because I was in a hurry. Doesn't defeat the fact that you had no argument to begin with. No one here claimed all cops were a certain way. You just came in and threw your argument in there for no reason shit head.

If you think about it, specs only peak the interest of a niche audience. So really your argument isn't realistic. As for the argument that the Amazon's ecosystem doesn't have the quality of apps still remains to be seen as the platform develops and devices are released. The tablet market is still rapidly changing

At least it makes broadcast bearable.

Kinda sad that asian women get eyelid surgeries to have a specific look, this shit doesn't help.

Then they'll take it away the generation after, causing even more annoying cable compatibility questions for tech people world-wide.

Well I never said all were the same and never have believed that, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't be outraged when this controversy does come up. How else do better cops get hired as the crooks lose their jobs. Your argument doesn't really have any value here.

I still to this day sleep with the nsync poster on my ceiling.

Because I love poking holes in peoples opinions and yes the article did catch my eye, as something I wouldn't click on. bravo

That sounds even more badass. I would how hard it would be to DIY.

Why don't you ignore the thread and move on to something you're more adept in like that thread about a boat motor that blends a fine cocktail.

How is this case not fair did you even read the release? Some people are unfair with certain cops because they hate being stopped on the street or asked if they have been drinking. This case is just a bunch of hillbillies with no education, running a police department.

Yeh even in backwards land you get people flocking to the cities to try and be at least somewhat intelligent. But step outside the city a few miles and you'll think you landed on another planet.

Sounds like a bunch of rednecks running an organization that is supposed to "protect and serve" the public while seemingly using their resources to follow their own personal interests.

ooo nice catch. Yeh revisionism is when someone else takes a body of work and re-articulates it. Like revisionist history.

The 'don't buy it' argument is one of the most ignorant and asinine arguments out there. The publics money pays for Star Wars, if the traditionalists don't want the movie fucked with then they'll be vocal about it.

And that is the fuzzy logic of international IP laws. People talk about Apple like they are assholes suing people when in reality it is a norm in business. Large business employ lawyers who are litigating in their favor, just a fact. But this doesn't mean average consumers are represented in these laws. It's