
Wrap them in those hard plastic Best Buy cases and hang them next to the external harddrives?

In fact wasn't there a post somewhere talking about how webOS was doomed for not licensing itself out.

I bet there is one really sad owner out there who has been spending this year trying to convince his friends and co-workers how awesome HP + webOS was going to be.

Weed that is so awesome you grow a third arm.

then use the usb port on the side.

I'm still waiting for some more headsets to come out with wireless chat. I hate that cable to the controller.

For eva eva, For EVA EVA?

Plugging your ears isn't going to help your ear drums scuttling around in your canal due to the vibrations.

If Facebook and the Pharm industry were smart they would incorporate some sort of promoted comment service where medical professionals respond to questions and criticisms with established health science. Oh but wait that would cost money.

haha then why else would someone post on the wall besides those two reasons?

I think G+ has the right stuff to succeed if it can focus on developing the platform for professionals and power users. Everyone already uses Facebook for their personal fodder. I've found a lot of the early users of G+ have been professionals and people wanting to organize their career circle. Adding new tools and

They also sampled an entire Flux Pavillion track and made it garbage. There are a few good tracks on this album but a lot of it is garbage, like that beyonce track, barf.

I can.. Phooooone Hoooommmmmme?

Anyone else notice that this story included "in-and-out penetration or their air space" ? Now that's an operation.

hmm maybe it uses a smaller tank to save weight? Either way I'd probably ripout and kill myself on this bike.

Why doesn't she just hold an umbrella or use some sort of funny umbrella hat device. I can only imagine what that black material feels like on the skin under the hot sun. Plus she should be worrying more about the longevity of those arteries.

Typical guys, they never look at the girls face, they only want to stare at her gadgets.

lol is this a joke? WP7 is not going to make it in the longterm.

yes now I can relive my SETI@HOME dreams of yore.

I think this is another job for FPS Russia.