
A joke backed by 200k though.

"back in my day...."

This is the very reason why I don't read too far into the story. When I do I want it to end with "and Warren Jeffs will now rott away in solitary confinement without the right to dictate to his followers."

I definitely agree. I would say though that the creepy Italian/Spanish guys are the cultural reflection of jersey shore. It's no wonder they don't like each other, they are the same! Only separated by language and culture.

Yup, good info. It's interesting to see the snobby attitude an upper class person from Roma has on someone from Napoli. I've never seen so many noses turn up in disgust.

I've lived in Italy and I'm pretty sure Jersey Shore didn't like the local scene because the locals are repulsed by them. American burger culture and reality tv is a sure fire way to kill a conversation with the local wine drinking college italians. The locals are more the type to sit in piazza's and play classic

I always use the golden rule that everything before "but" doesn't matter.

Oh no you did not just drop some semiotics up this bizatch.

I may be biased because the s2's screen is so amazing, but I think the Android interface looks great. It's a lot flatter than the OSX look. With the recent Lion release you can see OSX moving to a flatter style with less gradients, so in my opinion the best interface is somewhere between the flat plain Android surface

Oil, lumber and water.

This is actually a brilliant business idea, the Japanese are always ahead of the fetish game. I bet there is an endless market for single, lonely, wannabe photographers that fill this place.

Good one genius, now how do you claim plausible deniability in a court?

mfw - all the good Zero Cool usernames were taken.

I know absolutely nothing besides the fact they should probably remain on the ground when returning fire to someone who has already shot at them and is in clear sight lol.

Hypochondriacs everywhere today added "vaginas" to their lists of conditions to look out for.

This is exactly the point that I was getting at with fashion photography being a cultural product. There are entire crews who work to create whatever image the shoot is going for. People make conscious decisions to position and produce a model. So there are a lot of adult ideas that go into the process to make the

You seem pretty defensive for someone who supposedly believes this images are not sexual. Yes the images are sexual. If you've ever been on a fashion shoot, everything from the photographer to the stylist are pushing a certain sexy image they feel sells magazines. Your claim that it isn't sexual is truly a straw man

So you want steampunk post-industrial Fern Gully?

Drinking cat piss helps.

I meant having outstanding neighbours with radiating personalities. My bad 0.o