
@Ejody: You don't have to be "pro-gay" to be happy for others receiving the equal rights they deserve. How does 2-5% of American's being gay have to do with anything? This ruling doesn't encroach on the liberty of the 95% other American's. You got your logic backwards bud, this isn't about you.

@gonzorider: If I could blow the cash I'd max out this case in a second.

double-sided dildo for lezzin out.

People in China do this for money, but for this kid it's entertainment!

This is the perfect app for drunk girls. I'm in...

@DeathcomFour: Yeh except the business you talk about is invading the sovereignty of another nation and using it's resources for profits. It would be different if this reserve was found domestically in the US. Either way, I'm not denying the US won't make a profit. It's going to take huge international investment to

@DeathcomFour: Ahh I see you are a proponent of the "finders keepers" type of foreign policy.

@FriedPeeps: How is it sarcastic. The US does play a huge role in the internal politics of Afghanistan and literally does own it. That is why Karzai has changed his attitude towards the US, being more conflictual, because the population at large in Afghanistan no longer sees the US as liberators, but as occupiers.

@getmeherenow001: Sure say that about Bono and his retarded save humanity concerts, but Cameron obviously has the resources and know how to actually help so why the douche comment?

Nice dubstep track in the video

@blash: Sounds like you have no sense of exploration

@velvetmile: If you haven't banged a girl after talking about your iPhones then you're banging the wrong kinda girls