What is the point of defending SweetBabyInc like this?
What is the point of defending SweetBabyInc like this?
You know who I blame? YOU. by “you” I mean the collective “you”. These days people accuse EVERYTHING of racism/sexism for almost any reason, and sometimes those reasons contradict themselves. Disney is trying to please everyone but Disney don’t know what they want because THEY don’t know what they want.
I propose a new rule;
An authority figure wants a video removed from the internet. You know what that means, boys and girls? That’s right! It’s Streisand Effect time!
In a way, this is actually filling me with optimism; I think cops are getting sick of people calling them over the specific fuel in a BBQ.
When I read the part where they wanted to use the toilet but hadn’t baught anything, I was like “Ooh, well that explains... wait, what? no it doesn’t! That’s not an arrestible offense.”
“ Torture, serial murder of innocent people, gleefully sadistic violence, lots of sexual and rape innuendo, and some surprisingly salty language.”