
So bad there are still like 4-odd million tsurus out there. Still, makes you think about your driving habits, regardless of what you drive.

a fake ghost story on a cranky woman website?!?!? well i never!!

Actually, depending on the appliances, you can figure it out. My stove clock just starts counting again from whatever the time was when the power went out with a “PF” displayed next to it, so I know power was interrupted. I can then compare that time to my watch and that will tell me how long the power was out — if

Or just take a look at any of the dozens of appliances you probably have with clocks. ;)

Well, there it is right there.

it’s just a picture of legs that cuts to an image of a man standing in a burning house and he has a goat head and his eyes are the black of the void and then it cuts back to an image of legs with paint on them and then it’s the goat headed man and he’s closer to the foreground and I can smell sulfur and then it cuts

non-sequitur ad hominem attack.....10 yard penalty..repeat first down.


You mean “jabronois.”

Ken Bone, the undisputed winner of last night’s debate

This is a sad example not only of design theft (they’re making a knock-off Chemix look-alike)...but even worse....form over function.

These glass(ish?) pots sure do look pretty...but they miss one major area: Insulation. Sure...they’re pretty and you can see your coffee...but unless you’re one of those

This is a sad example not only of design theft (they’re making a knock-off Chemix look-alike)...but even

Actually first they came for the mimes but everyone was pretty okay with that.

All I know is, anyone who puts on a scary clown outfit nowadays had some pretty big shoes to fill.

Did anyone else assume this was viral marketing for the new IT movie?


This shouldn’t have to be said, but apparently, it falls under “common sense,” and we all know what THAT means:

Robots don’t need to breathe, eat, drink, poop, and move around on the journey there. Right now, I don’t think we have anything developed that will get a person to Mars alive.

Yep just search amazon buy back in google. An amazon site pops up.

Yep just search amazon buy back in google. An amazon site pops up.

He got all huffy.

Oh for fuck’s sake! Can we please give up on the stupid fucking trolley problem as relates to autonomous cars?