
People like gymnastics? I mean, besides the NBC commentators?

I’m not trolling. I just don’t get it.
Subjective scoring, no direct competition, no skills that translate to other sports. Can’t be done outside of exclusive gym apparatus.
Diving is the only thing worse.
Parkour would be more entertaining.

I understand

This is what passes for intelligence among liberal millenials?

Should’ve stopped the list after #1.

The Far Side seemed funny at the time, and there are a few stand-outs, but re-read it now, and you’ll see plenty of really out-of-touch stereotyping and sexism and at least half of them are just not funny at all.

This can happen with any type of liquid, not just distilled water.
Coffee, milk, etc.
The necessity of distilled water is a myth.

Has a vacation home, but is practical enough not to buy a Nest.
Does not compute.

Has a vacation home, but is practical enough not to buy a Nest.
Does not compute.

Why is this review out now?
What’d I miss? Did they announce a sequel?

Agree that it was a great game.

This is pretty natural.
Our brains work such that going through a gateway can switch our mental states.
Like how walking through a doorway triggers you to forget what it was you were working on, and also triggers you to take action on what’s in that next room (conference room, speaking with your boss, taking a shower,

Could not agree with you more.
Came here to make exactly those points.

Tesla is at fault, as well as the owners and enthusiasts who have greatly (and seemingly willingly) overestimated its capabilities, primarily because they enamored with the car’s prestige.

The Tesla system is basically just the lane watch/auto-brake

Does this phone work on Google Fi or Republic Wireless?

Does this phone work on Google Fi or Republic Wireless?

Nice job taking some good news and trying to spin it into hate-bait.

Several of the bands who you’re too cool for happen to put on good shows.
Especially for grown-ups and families.
Enjoy your over-priced and over-rated Beyonce.

There is no way to safely vape.

Nor a way to not look like an asshat doing such.

You’re poisoning and deluding yourselves just as every previous generation of ‘rebellious’ youth drug addicts has.

I think this is pretty common for all shoes now.

There’s a worldwide rubber shortage, and shoe makers are skimping on rubber across the board.
Running shoes only last half as long now as they did a decade ago, and cost 2-3x as much.

I think this is pretty common for all shoes now.

There’s a worldwide rubber shortage, and shoe makers are skimping on

Definitely one of the better recent multiplayer games.

You’ve sold me, sir.
At full price, even.

Me, a tightwad who mostly plays single player campaigns, and pleasure-delays purchasing games until they’re less than $20.
This sounds like as much fun as Goldeneye or Perfect Dark multiplayer, and befitting my age and skills.

Kindly take your commission from Blizzard; you’ve

You guys have seen the top spinning videos, right?

And, it has a great cast, which the reviewer doesn’t recognize, or mention.

Guy version:

1) Don’t wash your face with soap.*

* unless you’re experiencing some kind of problem

I have never had a button or switch break on any of the 10 cars, of various brands, that I’ve owned over 30 years.

Would much rather have a dial for radio volume, tuning, thermostat.

I like the looks of the vivoactive HR more, but I prefer watches over bands. Plus, more multisport and smartwatch features.

I like the looks of the vivoactive HR more, but I prefer watches over bands. Plus, more multisport and smartwatch

How can you even tell what was most popular among your readers?

Your bogus comment system greys out most people’s inputs as ‘pending’.
Why have a comment system, especially on a post that solicits any and all inputs, that requires a moderator to approve posts?

How can you even tell what was most popular among your readers?

Your bogus comment system greys out most people’s