
Don’t forget that it was also in response to a story about a man turning a blind eye to child molestation!

Amen. God, I am so fucking over this. It’s not clever anymore, idiots. She and her family have been famous for 14 years. Regardless of whether you personally approve or not.

Their family had huge notoriety in the 90s from the OJ Case and Kris married a pretty-famous-for-an-Olympian. I’m tired people pretending this family came out of nowhere.

There’s black people in Canada. They ran there to get away from the slaveholders in the United States.

Best analogy I’ve heard: saying “All Lives Matter” is like going to a doctor with a broken arm and being told “All Bones Matter” and sent home without being treated.

shes famous for being on a hit tv show thats on its like, 100th season

For all the people who need an explanation on why “All lives matter” is racist: It is a direct refutation of the Black Lives Matter protest movement, which is not claiming black supremacy, but instead an implicit acknowledgment that black lives (also) matter.

I still feel bad about having a fantasy basketball team in college called Vin & Tonic.

Could you imagine if someone altered the national anthem in support of Black Lives Matter?


With that many trips to the Fifth, I wish he mixed it up along the way like Tron Carter. One, two, three, four, FIF!

“Still pleaded for fewer fifths than I have.” - Vin Baker

I have complete confidence in the senior leadership of the hyperloop and eagerly await the day I can ride while I play my fully released version of Star Citizen.

Wow. What a mess. I’m inclined to believe the allegations, if for no other reason than the sheer number of dismissed, aggrieved employees. It’s incredibly rare to have that kind of unity unless there’s something seriously wrong.

I don’t disagree with your premise in general, but consider this:

I use to live in Philadelphia around a TON of Penn State alumni (they’re also in my family.) Let’s just keep it real: The facts of the case are ALL so coincidental, there has to be something else going on. And let’s not forget that The Second Mile was a feeder of poor kids to other Penn State “camps” where adults had

Even if it came out that every person in authority at Penn State was an enabler for decades, somehow they’d still claim JoePa was innocent of it all.

Absolutely. I mean, as bad as this is going to sound, if it was just Sandusky, someone would have outed him after a few instances of this behavior and quietly gotten rid of the situation (and off campus). Good employees fuck up at work for non-work related reasons (happened to me unfortunately*) and you have to let

Stories like this convince me there are others involved, possibly a pedophile ring. Sandusky was enabled by so many, there has to be more abusers and victims.