
I just double-checked - For all that it says “Code of Conduct for United States Judges,” SCOTUS judges are not included in terms of who it applies to. Putting aside whether or not it should, the supposed code of conduct for Ginsberg or any other sitting Supreme Court justice is not written.

You were overestimating the ability of a Penn State grad to count to three.

I just feel like at some point even idiots realize the sky is blue. I’m an optimist I guess.

Changing your opinion on something based on new facts presented is something an intelligent mind does. If you were still defending PSU at this point (even before these most recent items came to light) it’s pretty safe to say you’re not in that category.

So if you’re an unwavering JoPa supporter, do you:

Was that 2012 Obamacare decision the one Clarence Thomas refused to recuse himself on even though his wife was part of the group fighting the law?

Particularly when Ginsburg is discussing the outcome of the election as it pertains to her position and SCOTUS in general. Nothing she said is controversial; everyone who intends to vote in the next presidential election is aware that its outcome will affect the future make-up of SCOTUS. Saying otherwise is a lie and

Ouch. Latifah’s taxi comment brings back memories of the 1st time a pair of black co-workers asked me to hail a cab for them (90s). Initially I was all, “Naww, really? Why?? Like, sure, if you need me... But, for real?”

What impartiality? They’re paid to interpret dusty relics. They’re not the Pythia. Old fusty dudes of yore don’t speak through them. They’re appointed to use their brains.

This is likely an accurate interpretation.

Oh no, Ginsberg is violating the unwritten rules of the Supreme Court. Someone might throw an inside heater at her the next time she comes up to bat.

Scalia commented publicly all the time, on issues that frequently came directly before the court.

I expect a Supreme Court Justice to denounce racism and outright bigotry. If that means outing her political alliances, then so be it.


Good golly miss Molly. Democrats, leftists, et al really are going to do everything in their power to try and lose this gimme of an election, aren’t they?

Nah. It’s a bad, hot take.

This is a bad, hot take.

Our judges are blatantly conservative and liberal, except for maybe Kennedy who switches it up. Nothing is impartial.

“I can’t imagine what this place would be—I can’t imagine what the country would be—with Donald Trump as our president,” Ginsburg told the New York Times.
