
Ugh. I struggled reading this. I think the author is a talented writer, and I know she wrote with the best intentions.

But there’s a few problems, here.

First is the scope. The article paints this as a video game problem. But you could write the same article about any fictional media that is created to appeal to an

Americans use the terms “cultural appropriation” and evenblack face” so incorrectly they’ve completely lost all meaning. You stupid fucks need to figure out what you’re upset about quick because one day something actually offensive will happen and we won’t have the language to describe it

To be quite frank, if you cannot afford a licensed/certified controller, then maybe console gaming should not be a focus.

What’s your point?

Thankfully, FSR3 seems to be quite a big overhaul! With frame generation and such! Digital Foundry was impressed with the results shown behind door. While I’m a NVidia guy, I am very excited to see them finally catch up. And maybe we will even see this tech arrive on the consoles, which would be absolutely huge!

no they aren’t, FSR works on all hardware.

I get this argument, I really do, but it gives short-shrift to the simple fact that $70 is no small amount to the average person, who maybe doesn’t want to feel the phantom hand of a publisher reaching into their pocket for more money every ten minutes.

They wanted into show biz, and now they are crying. Sad.

only the skinny ones are allowed

Everything that has ever existed can be viewed as problematic under the right lens. I feel like we are just desperately seeking reasons to complain at this point. I guess moving forward, just to be safe, all characters should be the generic placeholder body used in most game engines.

Isn’t it sort of...i dunno, *implied* that anything from 2006 is going to be “of it’s time?” I’m not excusing the content of what’s said but like, gaming in the early 00' ain’t exactly the most inclusive hobby.

I’d say that’s just how journalism works in the modern world, but as Kotaku has long insisted now, they’re “not journalists”.

Awfully convenient that she chooses to express this in the most performative, non-specific way possible, on social media, followed by a carefully curated Massengill-style photo for maximum sympathy clout without actually having to defend her accusations in any way shape or form. Instagram reality in every way

How do you make it illegal to fire someone?

Being asked specifically about what would happen if the deal falls through and him giving the most normal response to it you can imagine, hardly seems like a new “strategy” of downplaying anything if you ask me.

I guess there are no legitimately interesting articles that could be written to drive traffic and even keep readers coming back...

I don’t think Rowling is anti-trans. To say so is to deny a conversation. She’s a TERF, but that’s trans-exclusionary, not pro-trans-genocide. It operates on the basis that women and trans women don’t have enough in common to have shared interests.

Every article this writer churns out is essentially culture war nonsense that generate clicks and engagement. And to her credit, it works. Buy the game, or don’t. Both are fine, just shut the fuck up about it already.

“A good faith discussion”? Seriously? You’ve been trashing this game to hell for 18 fucking months. Let’s not even get into the unbelievably naïve calls to divest profits from the game from the actual IP holder. A game that Rowling’s assistant’s assistant probably deals with. A game that Rowling probably can’t

The absolutely sacrosanct vagina, that can never be shown anywhere or to anyone, ever, in any culture on earth, this wonderful prize of life that men die and kill for, the cradle of all creation...

Honestly Idk even what the hell is going on anymore when there’s literal hardcore pornography for free, like everywhere on