
Hey at least you found a way to insult both the game and the people that enjoy these types of games.

Kept getting downvoted for saying that we are actually beta testing the game for them.

I feel like I barely do any damage with my masterwork weapons. Definitely needs some re-balancing.

Except the gameplay itself, which is pretty phenomenal at times, and the visuals, which are some of the best in the business.

Except actually playing it, which is something you haven’t done.

Which two Indiana Jones movies were the government behind?

I’d personally say ‘What about the people...who DON’T want to go to war.’ Instead of “What about the women...who DON’T want to go to war.”

Religious laws are stupid and shouldn’t be a part of modern society.

“So, while sharia religious law isn’t a problem in itself, it becomes a problem when the Islamic religious laws are applied to non-Muslims anyone.”

This doesn’t really change the issues that people have with it. Yes, sharia law is the set of interpretations and understandings by which Muslims live. And yes, it means different things to different people.

i kind of hope this is your last article. frankly.

pointing out that the experts were all males may have some degree of relevance (but, they are the experts - so does it really matter if they are male)? However, the fact that they are white has no bearing to the studies, outcomes or the article itself. It was a lazy addendum to appease the liberal deadspin readers.

As soon as he got all up into the art of lovemaking and how rude it would be to get up and go to the bathroom, I was like ok literally all your interpretations are suspect now.

I guess I’m not surprised that personality is so prevalent when it comes to what scientists believe. I would hope that Tierno would learn not to lean so hard on the Naturalistic Fallacy and instead accept the evidence of his fellow scientists. Ego is a hell of a drug. Thanks for this article.

If you ask me, a male scientist’s paternalistic assumptions about grown women’s post-coital preferences had no place in the context of a scientific interrogation. And there are other doctor-recommended reasons for a post-sex bathroom run that do not deter us from having sex—just ask any UTI-prone woman.

True but I bet in 5 years that S-class would be worth less.