Anyone here still doubt that Tulsi is a Russian asset?
Anyone here still doubt that Tulsi is a Russian asset?
She’s way too damn aligned with this administration to want to do her job. That’s why she voted present.
I know people wrung their hands about Hillary Clinton calling Gabbard a Russian tool because something something establishment something feminism.
Starting this convo with a fuck Tulsi Gabbard.
My vote? Time-traveling tourists. Sightings are increasing because we’re getting closer to WWIII, a popular destination in time for history buffs.
AKA: “The Boomer Manifesto: Be as short-sided as possible, craft legislation to benefit just them, use everything up as easily as possible, pull up all ladders, cut social safety nets, light it all on fire”.
It’s actually kind of the opposite: the French and Indian War was the last, but neither the most significant nor the worst of the colonial wars. It WAS the first where the British actually sent troops to help the Americans, and there in lies the problem: when the colonists actually needed the British soldiers, they…
I’ve been saying this in conversations with my friends as well. Why are we rooting for a monarchy? Why does fantasy always get a pass when it promotes feudalism and caste systems? Even with a just ruler, it’s still a fundamentally unjust system (in fact, one of the most unjust systems in history!)
“ but now that everyone stopped playing to the refs”
I realize space is at a premium, but if you could find the room to include the final score it would be great.
Honestly, I didn’t think the Warriors looked lethargic. I thought they put a ton of energy into this game from the first whistle, believing this series to be the true championship round. Which they may or may not be right about, depending on how good Milwaukee really is.
Something must be done about this senseless act of violence. We need strong and effective milkshake control legislation to prevent the next tragedy.
Per Wikipedia:
“That's what you get for being a fascist!" Love it. Just in case the audience didn't know who that guy was, we get a commentary track.