Do you have to marry a Chechnyan to be the lady slowly revolving while hotties dance around her? I want that job.
Do you have to marry a Chechnyan to be the lady slowly revolving while hotties dance around her? I want that job.
I have crohns and my favorite diet advice was to take cod liver oil and eat more fiber, become a vegetarian. UH NO.
I made braised chicken with fennel and white beans. Delicious! And surprisingly easy. I had fennel that I needed to use. (A sentence the daughter of the casserole queen never thought she’d type.)
Stoko? Hono?
me too - I have very long blondish hair and recently got told it was a weave. I am too lazy to have a weave which is why my hair is this long. Facebook reminded me of the one year anniversary of my last hair cut.
So wearing a top that accentuates one’s decollete means one shouldn’t care if the boobs are touched because having boobs is asking for it?
M brother was always loud. When my parents had his hearing tested one ear is about 40% of normal. So yes, kids are loud but there can also be organic problems for it.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s body language in that photo!
So who would sign up for this? All I can picture is narcissists rating other narcissists.
A messy kitchen is not good birth control.
Oh my god, soccer practice. Is anything in the world more boring? I read or sometimes fell asleep. Shoot, I fell asleep in the library during storytime with my kids. The 90 billion hours of soccer practice does not need to be remembered.
My dear friend, who at the age of 50 had a stroke (a major one - almost killed her) , is having her home (and the home of her husband, 2 young children and disabled sister in law) foreclosed on because of medical bills. She is blaming herself. I blame the fucked up system, and lack of single payer healthcare in the…
Jealous. M thirteen year old son says he doesn’t need pants, he just needs nylon basketball shorts, and his legs never get cold so of course he can go sledding in nylon basketball shorts. (That he wears with mismatched very colorful and ridiculous mens dress socks and kitty cat sneakers.)
Men are excellent at being mass shooters
Kate also married a man with the last name RocknRoll, and named their baby Bear. Bear RocknRoll.
they do extensive lobbying for social security and elder rights to employment.
For some reason mugshot made me picture a mug with their mugshots on it, which best honeymoon souvenir ever.
Hufflepuff forever.
our neighbor brought us a pizza because my husband lifted the neighbor’s motorcycle off him, and the guy was pinned under it.
what do they serve? is there a menu anywhere?