People died earlier too and spent all day walking. Don’t know how a modern person is supposed to replicate that. We can’t all be Les Stroud.
People died earlier too and spent all day walking. Don’t know how a modern person is supposed to replicate that. We can’t all be Les Stroud.
Its against the damn law to leave a dog in a car with the windows up.
God, she should take over Judge Judy....
Just came on Amazon Prime so I am with you! Still waiting for Skarsgaard to get naked.
Pregnancy weight gain is weird. With both pregnancies, I gained 35 lbs. I’m a big girl. But my heart rate, blood pressure, glucose were always normal. Both sons were 10 lbs. Day after giving birth, with no 1, I was 1 lb above my pre=pregnancy weight. With no 2, 5 lbs.
Ed Sheeran just seems like such a lovable goofball. I saw an Irish talkshow (why?) with him on it giving some little girl gifts etc and he was so sweet.
Holy fuck - I posted a thing on facebook about how not tipping means you are a cheap bastard, adn someone immediately replied “I think it should be done how it is done in Europe.” I said Yeah, but you are in America, you know how it works here, you tip.
And make sure as the server you provide them with the phone number of a domestic abuse hotline, and that they have an escape plan. (obviously I’m being sarcastic, but the unreasonableness of the mother has already been established. One can only imagine she is 1000x worse at home.)
Its a real thing. It may be overused by some but my youngest has sensory issues (that don’t involve food - they involve sound) It is a pain in the ass because people think he is being an asshole when he isn’t trying to be. All the families I know with kids with food texture issues just bring emergency food with them…
Lots of people live in dinky towns. I have an (angel) friend who keeps condoms in her bathroom so that the teen agers that come over can have safer sex without having someone know their business.
And every study shows women do NOT regret having had abortions.
You really do have reading comprehension issues don’t you? I’m sure if you go to a barber, he will listen to you read things outloud and explain to you what was written. She DID do it on her own time. She DID do it with her own money. I’m sure your local library has classes on basic literacy skills for free that you…
Bless you.
Uh.. the kids are you have reading comprehension issues? He isn’t teaching them to read...Nothing wrong with a free haircut that frees up $15 for something books...
Where is this “dismiss” button?
Seeing that their parents took them there, I’d say they do. What a bizarre assumption to make.
Oh for cripes sake. Very very few modern religions are against birth control and/or abortion. (granted the Roman Catholic Church is a big number wise religion)
He’s in the UK, so can’t blame US justice on this one.
And the law doesn’t. I don’t know what UK laws are but in the US, children of sex offenders can be forced to see them.
This is such a weird way of blaming the woman. “If you hadn’t hired hottie”...blargh.