
Keep in mind that fatalities have gone down despite the fact that the number of people flying has gone up an insane amount. If you look at it from a deaths/# of flyers ratio, it’s unreal how safe flying is.

Whoa! whoa! whoa! Get those facts out of here! Our President got opinions!!!

If the black box always survives the crash, then why don’t they just make the plane out of the black box? Duh!

Clearly aviation crashes and fatalities have increased as planes have gotten more and more advanced.........Oh, wait:

I knew it all along! You’re a shill for the National Rock Association!

“The military is too complicated. Our soldiers show go back to throwing rocks.”

D. Trump - Commander in Chief

Always seeking to go one unnecessary step further, when often old and simpler is far better.

What’s crazy to me is that the headlights on this thing look WAY ahead of their time, in 1994.

It wasn’t F1, but still ridiculously glorious.

I’d like to know how many people pull the trigger on an EV who wouldn’t otherwise because of that $7,500

It is a subsidy, but its purpose is to spur development of a robust EV market to counteract climate change. Left on its own, the market will just keep on producing F-250s the size of a Canyonero, because car prices and gas prices do not accurately reflect the cost of burning oil. That is, the negative externalities of

Let’s be 100% honest here... How many middle class folks benefited from that tax break anyway?

Clearly the market is still immature. Manufacturers are still only rolling out models in limited volumes in limited markets. 2020 would be more reasonable in terms of a range of choices across vehicle types, and 2025+ is when battery costs are presumed to drive cost-competitive alternatives to ICEVs.

The president seems skilled at only doing shitty things. Ever.

Holy crap, Tesla is just running a 19th century plutocratic industrialist’s dream wrapped up inside a 21st-century facade. It’s all very clear to me now.

It would make a Corvette/Fisker Karma verrrry interesting.

No no, they’re just talking about how poor you’re going to be when you finish the swap. xD

Engine swaps would be more entertaining if you actually swapped engines with the donor vehicle. LS swapped Miata? Better see that 4 banger in the Corvette. Hellcat swap a Prius? Put that hybrid tech into the Challenger. 

I’m pretty sure tommyvcm meant when money is no object.