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Here's an audio of someone pronouncing "penne" in Italian. She's speaking slowly, so you can hear the elongated consonant. Double letters in Italian are always elongated, and it opens up your vowels a little, so you get a bit more of an "eh" sound at the end rather than an "ay." But it's much less a difference in

With an elongated consonant on the double "n." The Italian word for penis is "pene." The difference is going to be virtually unnoticeable until you actually start studying Italian. Headredrush is splitting hairs. Unless I'm actually in Italy ordering penne, I say it the American way. I'm not going to use a

Oh wait... maybe you guys were taking about the bread ladies? In which case, they all sound like terrible people and deserve each other.

Yeah, but asking whether all-beef hot dogs are made of animal carcass? That's a special brand of stupidity that was probably foreseeable and DEFINITELY not acceptable.