
Ah, I didn't know if it was a privately or publically run bus company... I suppose being a publically run one does make it a bit more tricky. Perhaps there should be some requirement that, when ads of such a nature are published, equal time must in some way be given to an opposing viewpoint? (Then, before placing such

The two-tone beard makes it look like a smaller face was badly photoshopped over his real sized face.

You clearly need to see Mandy Moore in Saved!, one of the greatest movies of all time.

There are people who think masturbation in a relationship constitutes cheating. Most of us refer to those people as "complete fucking lunatics."

I am a big fan of the show, but I don't really understand how either of them can afford apartments.

Am I the only one who feels absolutely no urge to be naked just because I'm alone? It's not that I'm uncomfortable with nudity, it's just that I'm also perfectly comfortable in clothes.

I notice there's a lot of anti-choice people out there who hold the view, "it's wrong for you but not for me". The music pastor was like that too. Our first time having sex I was all "but I thought you wanted to wait until we were married." and his response was "I feel like we're already married." I can't believe I

I just want to watch Transparent, thanks for the heads up. I haven't bought anything directly from Amazon in a while so Prime is moot.

I just want to watch Transparent, thanks for the heads up. I haven't bought anything directly from Amazon in a while

I know some other commenters have touched on this, but I really have to share this because my entire life has revolves around this to some degree.

That video is from a Broadway performance. I could not find video of the performance I saw at the Venetian. I checked my phone to see if I had video of it but most of my videos from that weekend are of bottles of Vodka, a guy I thought was David Charvet and my feet. I don't know, you guys.

I do wish that doctors were more careful about following up with patients who are prescribed opioids. They are hugely addictive and it's really easy to get an Rx.

As an apocalyptic cult baby, I approve this realistic portrayal of cult babies. We're that fuckin' weird.

Fuck this guy.

I'm a woman and I've been in both situations. I've told guys how I felt and was rejected. I've also had guys come after me that had to reject. I will say that most of the times I went after a guy it didn't work so well. I ended up putting a lot into the relationships and got little in return. When a guy has gone

No. The control to say yes or no is pretty passive, and it's like Louis C.K. says, men (realistically) fear women will hurt their feelings, while women (also realistically) fear that men will physically hurt them.

Original poster here. I should add on to the story ... as there's more.

You seeing anybody? I still have the clarinet.

The last line killed me.

The chubby kid playing his clarinet at the girls' soccer game is the best story I've ever read on one of these "Send me your tragic stories" posts Drew does from time-to-time. I was laughing for five minutes at the mental imagery of this girl tying to play soccer while a pudgy kid blows on a clarinet in an effort to