Mister Master

This final season of Homeland is giving me more anxiety than my job.

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Mars Attacks featured Jack Nicholson as an uncouth, strutting blowhard inept president. Its ironic that in 2020 we look at that portayal and think gee, if only our current president were only as bad as that.

Love Mars Attacks so much. To this day when I hear something that annoys me I bark like a Martian and mime my head exploding.

Yeah, this is correct. People HOPE that the Martians were offended by the doves and invite them to Congress to apologize. The Martians accept this offer and then massacre Congress. They were ALWAYS coming to kill everyone and they came in peace for funsies. Like much of what they do in the movie.

Quick quibble. The Martians don’t initally attack “in response to a cultural misunderstanding.” They’re complete bastards from the start, and get their kicks from screwing with us.

I absolutely love this movie and do not understand why I do not own a copy of it. 

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Rented this with my grandparents when it hit video in ’97. We watched it, we all laughed, we shut it off and said “That was pretty good”...and then, just before we had to take it back to Hollywood Video, we all decided we should give it another watch. Still love it to this day. I think it works because it has some of

this film is absolutely terrific. 

The Office: ... The Greatest Sitcom Of The 2000s

She used to use the Smithsonian’s kitchen? Was she friends with the guards or something?

All this just makes me more and more confident that I made the right choice in not bringing children into this fucking deathtrap world.

I, for one, think it’s commendable that Batwoman murdered the guy that drove her sister insane by keeping her as slave for years!

Eh, fuck that apple polisher. He just annoys me as soon as he starts speaking. 

God Pete is so annoying.

He actually started out as one of the more liberal candidates.  Pretty early on he realized this wasn’t getting him anywhere and that’s when he suddenly became a centrist.

I feel like the level of piss was perfect! Pete is a cynical corporate politician trying to extend his 15 minutes. He needs our discouragement

I loved this show for that, specifically. The fact not everyone got on board at the same time or in the same way or to the same extent made this so rich. 


It wasn’t ghost sex. It was a tumor-induced hallucination. 

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They’re not even the first medical show to have a doctor get pregnant by a colleague and not tell him she’s having the baby: