Mister Master

Nicole Beharie was also treated badly by Sleepy Hollow, I am not the right person to say it was racism but that show went from brilliant to messy real fast. And that happened when they started focusing more on Ichabod and Katrina. (Love Tom Mason but his chemistry was with Nicole)

Jones can both be right for being pissed about being fired and wrong for taking a private conversation from two months ago and using it to publicly shame someone who realistically had nothing to do with him being fired.

If you researched his Twitter history at all, it’s actually even more bizarre. Here’s what he said so it isn’t me putting words in his mouth:

Whittle’s DMs are not great but I think less of Jones’ decision to publish them and reply publicly. There’s nothing to admire about that IMO.

Oh good, as someone who did read comics growing up, less so now. I think Timothy Olyphant would be great, plus physically he's a bit more like the stature I imagine. Him or David Tennant as people mention here. 

I’ve always pictured Timothy Olyphant, though I'm pretty much saying this as someone who doesn't read comics and only follows the peripheral stuff...

I’m sold. Do it Marvel!

McHale would be perfect as Plastic Man.

Can we somehow keep both Zahri and Behrad in the team after everything’s resolved, please?

Tamika is the cop, and same. I said to my husband, “I was promised by a stranger on the internet who has read this book that nothing befalls this baby, damn it!”

You watch a man be in two places at once and your wife draw the same dude as a kid she never met and you’re still like “no, nothing supernatural going on here.” Its very annoying when characters are dumb because the plot calls for dumb characters. 

Preface: I have not read the book.

Hmmm, I dunno. I was riveted to the screen.

I liked that they included Brian and Stephen - it made this feel more like a homage to the movie and not just the blatant cash-in that of course it was. Some of my favorite parts of the movie were with Bill and Stephen so I appreciated the throwback.

We’re not allowed to give A-pluses. (But A-plus.) 

An A? Just an A? If there was ever a time to pull out the A+, this was it. This will go down as one of the best series finales ever.

Ah life sized baby Yoda,  a perfect addition to your collection in your moms basement.  You can even tell her it’s the closest thing she is going to get to a grandchild  

In this case the back patting is 100% deserved. 

I remember back when The Killing was being recapped, someone bitched someone else out about Spoilers - that is, for people who hadn't seen the original version, since we didn’t know if we should expect a different ending in the U.S. version.

Beck has been praised for his consistency and talent for decades. Dude has 7 Grammies and 17 nominations. idk where you’ve been.