
Whitney was tolerable in this episode.
Damn!!! So, the baby is definitely Cole's. Another thing to fuck up these character's already fucked up lives.
Cole and Luisa are great together. When this baby reveal comes to light in the future (and it will), I hope it doesn't destroy their relationship.

One of my favorite episodes of TV this year.

The final act of the episode is where the meat really lies - Gretchen's inability to even be a soundboard for Jimmy's venting, Jimmy's accusation that it is more of a 'won't' rather than 'can't', his trip to the bar and eventually finding, in Nina, a person who is ready to hear his story. - all of these point to more

Had to worry? More like have to worry and keep worrying . That potential story line is looming like a storm cloud on the horizon.

That ending destroyed me. What a heavy gut punch to end the episode. It was brutal to see the fantasy that Gretchen had created around this seemingly ideal couple being brought down by none other than one member of said couple. Her face at the end of the episode conveyed it all - despair.

My bad. :)

And Sonia Saraiya's review for Hostages. I didn't watch the show but I immensely enjoyed her reviews and the comments that followed below the reviews.

Echoing @disqus_6P7it27H0O:disqus, you forgot The Americans? Sacrilege!!!!

Almost all of the season 8 reviews by Todd were wonderful. I distinctly remember enjoying the reviews and comments much more than the atrocious final season of Dexter.

Same here. I want to complete the season and let it go.

I am hoping it doesn't get that fucked up but you never know - there is a possibility that the show can go there.

So now I'm thinking…Alison's kid…possibly Cole's? Who knows, but something to ruminate over.

What an awesome episode. That haunted house was great and shenanigans going on inside were even better. It looked like a great mix of fun and genuine scares.

Really? FUCK!!!!! :)

Vernon has been a revelation this season. I am a bit bummed though that there has been very less of Becca.

The PTSD insults were cruel but the insults about him regarding his infatuation with Lindsay were on point. Gretchen rightly told him to have some self respect.

Definitely. Her whole body mannerisms screamed loudly that she hated being stuck in the house.

This show. This f*cking show!!! Half way through the episode I was lulled into thinking that it was just going to focus on the group's hijinks while stuck at Jimmy's house.

"Pretty used to the deafening silence in your house"- that was an epic zinger.

I am surprised at the 'B' given to this episode. I though it hit a lot of right notes.