
Make sure all of the more famous people are planning to keep living before you die. No one wants to fall out of this news cycle so precipitously.

The math alone is telling.

While i don’t have a particular opinion on this, i do agree that it’s worth noting that this was the first game in a series with no guarantee of success and that voice acting in video games was a fairly new concept in 1998.

Of course people will jump on this at the first chance. Gamers may bitch and moan, but they are woefully predictable when it comes to their extremely short memory when it comes to the next big thing.  Why do you think every Assassin’s Creed continues to be best sellers?  Or almost anything by EA.  Because the idea of

May they fully assimilate the lessons of 2077 as they work on this sequel.

Is this the new “Bioware Magic”™ from Bioware (trying to extract the most out of firing process by dirty “starve them out” tactics for forcing laid-off staff to accept a bad deal)?

I’ve noticed a lot of people don’t like the ending, but I think this article nails why it’s so spot on: the player needs to decide what’s important to them, because at the end of the day, most people you meet fell in love with V the hero, and running away from dealing with Mikoshi means V is no longer that person, and

I finished the DLC last night and completed this ending. It’s very bleak but I also found it surprisingly beautiful as well.

Agreed. While you’re the camp it should act like everyone’s in the active party all at once. It’s very annoying having to swap people out just to level them up, or to swap items between characters.

Am I alone in wishing for the ability to level up all characters in the camp? I hate having to dismiss companions just so I can level up the others I don’t use as often. The Pathfinder games got this right. In your HQ the MC is alone and you can cycle through ALL recruited companion profiles so you can level them ALL

I mean....this is true for parents. Not sure many people can relate to the challenge of being a new parent without really doing the damn thing. I’ll brace for the snark I’m about to receive.

As someone currently divorcing a shithead, I recognize and respect Turner’s moves for what they are: stay quiet, know what your impassable lines are, and do what you gotta in the courts. Jonas’ very public loudness reads like someone who deep down knows he’s in the wrong, but is too self-centered and misogynistic to

I think I feel the same way you do about Bethesda-style RPGs. I looked at Starfield, watched some gameplay for it and then went “Yeah I can wait to play that. BG3 gives me a more enjoyable RPG experience.”

I loved Skyrim and Fallout 4 when I played them, but I think the Bethesda design ethos just isn’t as interesting

He didn’t live through the late 90s and early 2000's with Microsoft trying to get rid of every competitor they had and being the only game in town. He should ask WordPerfect and Novell how friendly Microsoft is.

Remaster != remake. I seriously doubt Bethesda is remaking Oblivion. That would be a ton of work (and therefore expensive). A remaster would just be increased render resolution and framerate, better AA and texture filtering, maybe higher-res textures, proper widescreen support, etc. Basically updates and enhancements

I feel so bad for the team of Skyblivion. So many years working on the project and now it seems like an official remake is on its way. Hopefully MS and Bethesda won't pull a Nintendo and will allow both the official and unofficial versions to co exist. 

I mean I will say, coming from a place where I just have empathy for others, that in spite of coming from a family with enormous privilege she’s had an incredibly rough go of things for a while in her life.

But she’s still doing extremely well for herself and this move betrays that she has no actual solidarity for

No. We should have solidarity with workers, especially when it’s someone who has relied on these specific workers for their livelihood since childhood. Give a little back for fucksakes! She’s had a life of unimaginable wealth and privilege while the little people fight for the scraps.

Stand WITH them instead of your

As a lawyer who works directly on SEC regulatory matters, I’ll briefly touch on the legality side. In 2000, the SEC introduced a new rule, Rule 10(b)5-1, which provides an “affirmative defense” against insider trading. It basically requires public company insiders (and everyone named in this article would be

No, it isn’t.