
Johnny Depp is a piece of shit and has been for a long time. Women need to stop defending him. He’s guilty plain as day. He had a paid team of people who orchestrated an online smear of Amber. People who tried to defend her online were attacked from every direction by trolls. The whole thing stank. 

One who knowingly surrounded himself with absolute pieces of shit for decades:

I don’t get it. Johnny Depp already seemed like a piece of shit before these documents were unsealed.

it’s going to take another civil war to fix this country. Get rid of the republicans in all levels and setup new rules to stop this from happening again.

What the actual fuck is wrong with this country”.  Citizens United.

How is this even allowed??? What the actual fuck is wrong with this country that grand conspiracies like this can be revealed about sitting justices, presidents, etc. and the general masses essentially huffs, shrugs their shoulders, and goes “Welp!”

Of course it suits FBI Director Christopher Wray to pass the buck on the issue and create an attention-diverting headline that it was Trump’s fault.

I mean, teens of all genders with their raging hormones fantasize about attractive older people, especially teachers, all the fucking time. That’s normal. What’s not normal is for the teachers to take advantage of that.

What’s her artificial filler percentage though?

I love the first stat on that Dan McLaughlin tweet, the one that says 80% of households were made up of married couples in the 1970s as opposed to only 49% in 2020—because it shows how terribly misinformed about history he is. Why might it be that 80% of households were married couples in the 1970s? How about because

They had Leah Finnegan, who wishes she was as coherent as a 13 year old. 

How does a writer not know this???

Sorry to be the grammar police, but you used hoi polloi backwards. It refers to the “common folk” like you and me, so I doubt “a whole little cottage industry of blogs and accounts that keep an eye on the flight times of the hoi polloi” would be very interesting.

hoi polloi doesn’t mean “the rich”, it means “the people”, as in rabble, the common man, etc.

“When I was President we had tremendous covid, strong American covid, not this weak liberal covid,” Trump added.  “Re-elect me and I’ll make covid-19 great again!”

Hope you are hearing the overwhelming distaste for bothering to include body shaming in this article.  Smacks of a lack of effort.

But in that situation you’re not really defending them, you’re defending body acceptance. Body positivity has nothing to do with the person in particular. (So it doesn’t matter if it’s Hitler’s body)

wait so we say body positivity, but also body shame elon musk? seems the entire article is saying “ew, he has a weird torso”. a bit of a double standard no, jezebel?

This was the least enjoyable MCU movie I’ve seen (obviously I didn’t see Eternals or Shang Chi, I mean the real ones). I loved Ragnarok and it may have been the movie that got me to dive into the MCU.