
the root word of sexual is sex. anything concerning a persons sexuality pertains to sex. the word is right fucking there. to tell a woman that shes fired for marrying a woman, but you dont fire a woman who marries a man, that is sex discrimination because it pertaims to the sex of the partner. sex means more than just

Solicitor General Noel Francisco told the court that LGBTQ equality will lead to men in women’s showers.

That is exactly right. They did it with GWB and they’ll do it with Trump.

When they turn on him it will happen in the blink of an eye. Then they’ll all act like they were against Trump from the beginning.

Until the courts start throwing these authoritarian thugs behind bars for violating court orders and flagrantly violating both due process and the rights of the people they target, they’ll keep ignoring the law. There’s been no penalty for them. The entire agency is a gigantic culture of abuse, where racism seems to

Border Patrol officers are those that weren’t qualified to be municipal police officers, other federal law enforcement agents or even prison guards. A good amount of them are TSA agents that wanted a raise, a gun and better benefits. So it is laughable that a BP agent on a power Trip knows anything about the law.

“[He] said you’re a Mexican, you don’t need to be here,” Orozco said. “They told me, ‘This paper the judge gave you isn’t valid. He doesn’t know the laws.’”

I made this for you

Seriously, look at the contrast in color between hand and face (and I’m talking top of the hand). Those aren’t even in the same row at the paint samples rack at Lowe’s.

Just imagine if this had been an attractive white 21-year-old girl.

Florida, enough said. The south is full of public servants who think that, because they have a small amount of power and a slightly better-paying job than a lot of people, that they’re king of the trailer park. 

Now playing

The cycle goes on. Punishments that don’t fit the crime, another black man who will be marked as a criminal in all future background checks, because he... like many other people his age, overslept, and are not given a civil education as to the penalties and full liabilities for not obeying the minutiae of court

>So, just for the scorekeepers, when she does X, that’s bad according to conservatives. And when she does the exact opposite of X, that’s also bad according to conservatives.

“... something which definitely would have escalated the situation had the troll been an actual constituent struggling with mental illness.”

It's just common courtesy and class. Obviously the author has none. And yes its because you didn't pay up for first class. 

“Trump’s well-documented affairs didn’t happen,, but if they did, it’s fine! It’s only bad when a woman does it, even though I claim she has less self-control because of her hormones!”

Thanks to Wohl, Warren has now locked down the cougar vote.

Even allowing for the gender double-standard that Wohl articulated which surely exists within the dimmer segment of our society, I still cannot get over that these two dipshits think carrying on an extramarital affair would be career-ending in the era of Trump.

I still want to know how in the fucking fuck this lady, a police officer no less, walked into the wrong apartment on the wrong floor.