
I mean there’s also the fact that Teslas have this habit of bursting into unquenchable, toxic flame so frequently it’s become a meme.

With him it’s documented that it’s more of both. His public speech, especially in tweet, show an inability to handle any contradiction or criticism in a healthy way. Instead he lashes out like a bully. Also the fact that he could, by snapping his fingers, help to vastly reduce problems such as hunger and housing

He is (allegedly) a bloated fish.

I liked it for a month, while I learned to command my ship and run systems until I could do it from muscle memory.  Then I got bored.  I tried again a couple months ago, and lasted exactly two days - one to remember how to command the ship (it had been a year), and then one to remember how boring it is once you’re not

Elite has one good thing going. it is an excellent ‘ship management’ simulator. It is horribly barebones and unengaging outside of the ‘ship management’ feature. Run trade missions to make money? Sure, but it’s basically euro space trucker 2013 and after you see the 3 or 4 station types and all the planet types (gas

Elite has one good thing going. it is an excellent ‘ship management’ simulator. It is horribly barebones and unengaging outside of the ‘ship management’ feature. Run trade missions to make money? Sure, but it’s basically euro space trucker 2013 and after you see the 3 or 4 station types and all the planet types (gas

Maybe good people of conscience will give him hell, refuse him jobs and service at businesses and keep a keen eye out in case he goes anywhere else packing weapons.

That’s a huge and complicated question. I cannot answer for you. I think we must look to what we value and why. If his music is beautiful to you and makes you happy, I cannot say you’re wrong to enjoy it. If you purchased it, it’s probably far too late to ask for a refund, so in that case, you can absolutely detest

Yeah, well, Hasan has been standing in the way of progress on M4All and living wage fights, giving cover to fauxgressives.  I hope he enjoys his house and gold plated health insurance while pretending to be for the people while actually not.  He’s not a champagne socialist, he’s a shitlib.

Spot the scammer.

Yeah I play that.  Used to play WoWs.  F2P games are a failure, as far as fun goes. I still have some good matches but my sweet lady of ammo racks, I am looking super hard for some other sort of daily fun to get into and give War Thunder the bird.  Been playing WT since 2013, and watched the developer break promise

I played a few months, back when Missouri was first available, before a lot of the bad changes and the worst of the heavy-handed monetization. Even then the reality of the game was that it could be fun, but there were a lot of fun-breakers even then. You’re not missing anything. If WW2 surface combat is something that

So as a list, here’s things new to KSP2 as compared to KSP1 (this list is not complete, it’s just the stuff I can think of immediately):

Heya. I don’t know if you’ve followed KSP2 since that, but there’s more context and it’s not as binary as ‘star theory good, take 2 bad’. I was very much in the ‘I’m going to pirate KSP2 if I play at all’ camp after that news, but i continued to follow development and found some things from non-company sources

Thank GOD? How about the engineers that made the safety cage and crumple zones? How about the relentless testing and regulation to be safer for every vehicle?

Oh I hope not. I love the look of Sable, and the idea looks good.

I would like to introduce you to Louis Farrakahn, leader of the Nation of Islam (NOI for short). Here, let the Southern Poverty Law Center, who do incredible work on this, be our guide.

Or any other humans, for that matter.

These problems are so fitting for Eve Online.