
Sorry, the demo had you shooting at a Behemoth, not Bahamut.

Why do I have this feeling that the last “I’ll take two” scene will be in the end of the movie and set as a teaser for a sequel?

It’s how damn near every game worked for the first 20 years of gaming. Just pretend you have a limited number of lives and saves and if you keep dying, you start over.

Thanks for the review. I’ll be grabbing this one Promptoly.

I fear that they are doing this for all of the Schlong reasons.

I may be among the minority here but I don’t find the effect bad at all and I have no problem with it. My suspension of disbelief is actually less affected by this than if they had cast a younger, sort-of-look-alike actor.

And the left’s hyperventilating continues...these 8 years are going to be fun..... BTW where can we read the Barry Obama editions?

Imagine Salem Media converting all their sites into operatives seeking to take down a Democrat ruler like Obama or Hillary. How far away would the shrieks of outrage be heard - Pluto, the next galaxy over or the far side of the Universe?

Watching the Nintendo Switch presentation is like watching an ex girlfriend who has so much potential but is totally making the same fucking mistakes over and over and you just want to shake them and tell them to stop.