
Hey, AV Club: Playing House is new tonight. Just FYI.

Oh, then you want THE EXPLORER, by James Smythe. Without a doubt.

NYC's where I first heard of charter schools, back in the 90s. I think people think of them as another George W. Bush-coopted, half-assing-it solution ("vouchers!"), like Health Savings Accounts, but they're certainly not that for a whole lot of people. And I totally agree that Parenthood was being Parenthood — i.e.,

The school thing is not crazy at all. They're not talking about buying a school or even starting up a school with magic Braverman dollars (which are surely a thing on this show). What they're talking about is a charter school, and anyone who has a school-age kid in 2014 knows what this is and WHY it is. They're