
So powerful. Thank you for sharing this. I imagine I'll be referencing this in my teaching.

Thanks for covering our team's vibrator study - as a regular Jezebel reader, I'm loving reading everyone's comments.

Wow. I hate to break it to you, but as a sex columnist for various publications (see [] for full list), I get the "could I/she get too loose?" question all too often. Women wonder if it's possible for their vagina to get too loose if they have too many partners or if they have a big partner they

Her comments also seem to suggest that there is only one way to write about sex and that is "steamy", whereas sex is highly nuancedd... with at least hundreds of reasons for engaging in it and numerous ways of enjoying it (or not).

I love this. It's adorable. My grandmother used to subscribe to Barbie magazine for me when I was a kid and they used to take still shot sequences of their adventures, which I looked forward to reading in each issue. This tooth series reminds me of that only without the body issues and romance drama peppering little

I find it compelling how many women have, in these comments, justified their or their sister's/friend's small, average or large sized body as being okay "because they have a boyfriend". Not knocking on anyone, it's just amazing how we all sometimes buy into this criteria of validation.

This is such a tricky one. I used to find this practice discriminatory too. However tubal ligation is rarely reversible whereas vasectomy often is reversible. This couple, like others who don't want children (or more children than they already have), can also choose vasectomy which is (a) more affordable, (b) often

@JerseyGrrrl: absolutely - there's a lot of variations in all of our body parts, and this tissue is just one example.

@thePrototype: Your second point about expectations is absolutely true. When I first started teaching human sexuality classes to college students, the big question was how to orgasm (period). Several years ago, it evolved to "how to do female ejaculation". Sexual pressure isn't good for anyone.

As a sex researcher/educator/blogger, my sense is that Drake Bennett's article in the Globe was not -at least from my perspective - overly critical of research. It was a pretty balanced look at how *some but not all* sex research has focused too much on a medical model of sexuality at the expense of a more holistic

I would love to see more of the exhibit...

The lack of communication is quite apparent here, isn't it? Good call. Satisfying sex takes more than having a "good partner" - it takes being a good team.

Right on. To pit women against each in this way is horrific when, as you said, moms try to do the best they can as parents and there are reasons why breastfeeding works well for some and not for others (Such as those worried about passing on medications or infection to their babies via breast milk, or those who for

As a sex educator, it's a common misperception that we sex educators have "done everything". In fact, I don't think you need to have had sex in order to teach a few basics about it. Many teenaged peer educators have not had sex but they still take the time to get adequately trained so that they can give accurate

Changing a diaper... really? Wow.

There are some interesting groups (like the Men Can Stop Rape groups) on college campuses and in some communities. I agree that both women and men need to be involved in stopping violence in partnered relationships and that perhaps we need to change some of the terminology we use to talk about these issues.
