
Between Pet Sounds & Sergeant Pepper, Pet Sounds is better. Revolver and Rubber Soul are both better than Pet Sounds. All this talk of best albums leads me away from the Beatles and Beach Boys in lots of different directions. Tonight's better album than either of those is In the Court of the Crimson King.

Tom Waits in the early 70s when he was playing nightclubs and bars across L.A.

It seems like most of the comments have been about the so called good guy letter, but the thing that really stood out for me was something not addressed in Dan's response to the married guy. "Currently, she can last having sex for nearly half an hour before feeling exhausted and stopping, regardless of me reaching

I didn't forget the punchline- worse- I just didn't make the connection because I wouldn't imagine the words coming from your avatar. And I'm both sleep deprived and drunk today. Silly me.

Oh wow. Clearly you are not a child of the 80s (which is not meant as a judgment- it just means you aren't old.) The good news is that you get to experience some awesome movies for the first time. Watch Fast Times at Ridgemont High immediately. And Beverly Hills Cop. And Ruthless People. And Stripes. Basically Judge

Marge- We're all aware of Grampa's problems, but compared to Mr. Burns, he's Judge-freaking-Reinhold!

In kindergarten I saved up my allowance for a month and bought Oingo Boingo's Only a Lad. Over the years I saw them in concert 13 times and the only reason I stopped was because they retired (not really a break up- just a not being a band anymore.) Nearly 25 years later it is still one of my favorite albums.