
This totally helps!! It’s so awesome to hear of your perspective! It really helps to solidify the truth.

So glad you shared your experience DebbieTheSuperstar!!! Its really important that this article’s untruths get put in check. Thank you for sharing!!! I agree about the lack of professionalism for sure. I’ve never been a reader of any of these blogs—but I am definitely not going to start now!

Love hearing your experience, Chris!

Emilie, I feel SO affected by what you’ve written here. The picture you painted about your experience in SSM is so beautiful and you feel so brave and willing to me. I love hearing the details about the reflection you’ve gotten from International to seek outside help and hell yea! No cult leader is going to tell

jeeze. Guess you don’t have anything better to do than search for websites that don’t exist anymore. You sound super cool and awesome (that’s sarcasm. To be clear)

Facts were NOT checked. This article is straight up ridiculous.

seriously. what is wrong with you!? why such a hateful tone!?! CHILL THE FUCK OUT

The fears and insecurities these “anonymous” women are projecting onto SSM and International is disturbing. The fact that they are attacking Superstar Machine and not taking responsibility for their own choices makes me ill. If you don’t like SSM, move on with your life already. No one is telling you what to do here.

Trying to cover the tracks of slander.

Yeah, I heard Anna Merlin is Jezebel’s top intern though. She tries real hard.

Anna Merlan, this was a very disappointing article to read. The emotion clouding these ex-members’ testimonies hangs as an impermeable fog over this article. It reminds me of a psychotic girlfriend keying her ex-boyfriend’s car and yelling to the world that he “wronged” her. And you have published these cries as

You are a very intelligent well spoken person with excellent points! Feels refreshing in this sea of crap comments.

As a cult specialist, you should know that not having had a first hand experience of this program does not make you qualified in any way.

Anna, found this fascinating. Would have been so easy to just charge into the cult idea, but right from the title I could see you were exploring this with distance. I’m fascinated with how many people adopted the opinion that this group is a cult, it just shows people are eager for bad news in this world. The fact

This piece was painful to read. Not surprised. Doesn’t seem like Anna had much of an editor. Lot of ranting going on here from naysayers in the comments, but did anyone even notice that only two of the women who Anna got her “info” from were willing to give their names. I mean come on. Where is the courage in that? If

As a Super Hottie in International Hot School Radio I can say that this is definitely a CULT which is the root word of CULTURE! HELLO PEOPLE?!?! Are you all idiots?! Are we seriously still afraid of Kool-Aid and shit?


I wouldn’t particularly trust anyone who said they got out of a cult. There are people who would end up getting duped into a cult and people who wouldn’t. None of the women sharing their experiences here seem credible to me. They sound lonely and vulnerable. If Superstar Machine and Hot School are programs that are

If you check out this author’s other “articles”, she is a ridiculous hot mess. Get your popcorn in the microwave, kids.