He wasn’t overrated at all. The numbers he put up with mediocre receivers are very impressive. He’s also been criticized plenty in his career for his (often perceived) shortcomings.
He wasn’t overrated at all. The numbers he put up with mediocre receivers are very impressive. He’s also been criticized plenty in his career for his (often perceived) shortcomings.
I mean, McNabb didn’t get drafted because he was black, and he did deserve to be a starter in the NFL, but he was also very much overrated. But it was because he was on a good team. Like how Troy Aikman was overrated.
That’s not a bad take, that is the worst take.
I think if you liked SVP and Russillo back then you’d like Lebatard. I stopped listening to ESPN radio for a while because SVP left but I think a lot of SVP’s spirit is in the Lebatard show. Questioning some of the institutions, having sports takes, not taking themselves too, too seriously etc. That said, Lebatard…
You’re forgetting the part where she’s a woman. There, explicted it for you.
The Eagles have had trouble pulling away from opponents in the fourth quarter of all of their games, making them all nailbiters. Against the Carson Chargers, they finally finished a game the way they’re built to finish a game.
ffs unless you are growing and/or stealing your own food, and marking and/or bartering for the rest of literally anything you possess, shut up already.
It actually gets MUCH more capitalist and bourgeoisie than a 20-something running a Twitter account to respond to complaints regarding famous hamburgers
Here’s the reality of survival under capitalism: I applied for upwards of 100 jobs after I graduated from college with a journalism degree. I couldn’t even get a seasonal cashier position at the mall. That’s how I ended up in marketing. Do I feel bad about it? Sure, it’s not what I’d hoped for. But I’m not $12,000 in…
As a non-Pats fan, let me just say: fuck ALL of you Pats fans.
I miss the Cardinals posts after losses. Deadspin had a good thing going there.
Honest question - what the fuck is wrong with you? I hope that’s just the drunkenness talking. That was one of the most vicious, and easily avoidable, hits I’ve ever seen.
No, don’t you see, 40 seconds of contextless practice video is surely a harbinger of the season, and an exemplar of fine journalism.
Simmons/Embiid/Fultz. suck it Burneko.
last Thursday the Patriots lost. That was a good Thursday game.
someone else follows sticky ant-man gamer on twitter, lol
I’m confused also: can a Pats fan not admit the defense is REALLY bad? Or is he admitting its REALLY bad just to make the team that beat them “not that good.”
lol I’m a black Liberal Bostonian and this man does not speak for me
Yeah RDR is one of the few games that have fast travel but I never use it. It is so awesome to ride thru the desert, mountains, forests and etc. Hell I knew that RDR was the real deal of Westerns when I found out the achievement for tying up a lady and putting her in front of the tracks and seeing her get run over.