
I believe you get your ass kicked for something like that.


The Democratic Party won't be an effective party until it admits what it is and reforms it. The Republicans are shills and corporate slugs, but they don't hide it. That's the whole point. The Democrats pretend to care about the commoner, but big pharma has bought the top voices in the party.

Dude has been to seven straight finals, four time league MVP (should be five) three time finals MVP (he deserved a fourth against GSW in 2015, but they don't give the award to the losing team). His career is cemented. The only argument is whether he's better than Jordan. I refuse to state my answer based on your


Wow.A guy who hired ex-ESPN personalities, who are known for being contrarians with click-bait level opinions and others who are race-baiters and are just plain bad at their job, is a fucking bad dude? Crazy.I wonder if Skip Bayless will apologize on behalf of all sports media personalities for this guy, while also

This is like Stange Mercy or Marry Me era Annie. I love it. I hope it blends in the fuzz funk of her last album, but this song is fucking gorgeous. Minimalist Annie is always a treat. Her voice is so strong because of it's quiet vulnerability. Fantastic song.

Is one these women gonna start making sandwiches or are they gonna continue to destroy American society and our family values by talking without their husbands around ?

Damn son. I love it.

What about you El Santo? Are you a superhero? No, superheroes don't get their ASS KICKED BY BLUE DEMON!!! HE IS THE TRUE HERO TO THE WORLD!!! NICE EFFORT, BUT YOU STILL LOST!!!

I was born here, guey. But no, we're good. No migra here.

You're talking to one vato. That ain't nothing new.

Well, what was over there?

Hey partner, you wanna say that to my avatar? Or is you yella?

No Texas dates? Come on, Annie. You're from here.

Well, there up watching snow plow advertisements, might as well give them something.

I agree that he probably didn't mean to start anything, but I doubt Schneider is upset that someone is paying attention to him.

Seth Rogen never said Rob was irrelevant. It was probably a true "What the Fuck?" when he saw a well known comedian, that he's probably never met, block him. I wouldn't say it's a dick move, because Schnieder seems to court controversy and talking points with his twitter account in a means to stay relevant.

Absolutely nobody.

No. The reason they call Taft "The ol' Steamboat" is because he was sitting on a river boat, watching a revival of "Pride in Swell" when he caught an errant bullet from disgruntled longshoreman and displaced glass blower, Jim Caul.