Just like Bernie, Beto relies 100% on individual donations from you, the voter. Beto doesn’t want corporate money because Beto doesn’t want to be beholden to anyone or anything except you, the voter.
Just like Bernie, Beto relies 100% on individual donations from you, the voter. Beto doesn’t want corporate money because Beto doesn’t want to be beholden to anyone or anything except you, the voter.
She’s also a girl which really hits home for the girl voters, but her father is an NXIVM human trafficker so she’s already toast.
Yet another reason I’m now on the Beto Bus. Can’t support a guy whose campaign was basically a #MeToo convention.
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
You know, the more I think about it, the more I’m really digging this Beto guy. He skates, he likes the same music I like, he wears shorts, and he’s got such a cute face and hot bod. Sexy. I like that. And so do the ladies who, last I checked, are allowed to vote now too. And they do. Guessing he’ll take the Hillary…
It’s an IV bandage from the presidential hospital. He recently had hand surgery on his right hand and needed an IV.
Protip: There no hard questions, only hard answers ;) Welcome aboard
What maked Gawker so good wasn’t the stories or defamation or writing or blackmail. It wasn’t the good times everyone had or the bad times we all went through. What maked Gawker so good was... us.
Any objective observer will come to the same ultimate conclusion that not all conspiracies are theories.
I assume he did have Khashoggi killed. Khashoggi wasn’t some 9-5 journalist just trying to make a buck in the land of the free. He had a side and he fought for it. He was aware of the risks involved with the choices he made and like thousands of others came out on the losing end.
MbS isn’t supportive of The Saudi Royals, or the standard alliance, as we have known them either. That Trump-backed shakeup opened a few eyes across the globe.
Israeli-Saudi propaganda... so you are supportive of MbS? We agree there.
I think there are many areas in the realm of geopolitics that we can work with Muslim Theocracies to make things better. My replies to you here are only about the crazy claims being made with respect to the meaning of “Jihad.” It’s extremely obvious that though there may be westernized Muslims that actually believe…
Considering everything you have said so far is essentially a backwards version of reality, I welcome your “immeasurably worse” world. Sounds like it’s probably better.
In this reply you contest that, generally speaking, western cultures are as barbaric as Muslim theocracies, or maybe worse.
And yet, somehow, Christian and Jewish societies don’t throw gay men off buildings, or have real life slave auctions [Libya], or stone women for adultery, or... what was the term in that verse? Strike off heads?
“You’re taking sixth-century verses from a time when violent conflict was omnipresent on Earth...”
If these verses are not about Jihad, what on earth are they about?
Beto is a centrist in progressive clothing.