Then in 2036 we get Old Man Riddick and it’s back to “Alien but it’s a cool dude with weird eyes”
Then in 2036 we get Old Man Riddick and it’s back to “Alien but it’s a cool dude with weird eyes”
Love & Thunder’s mess is more on Taika’s shoulders. He clearly wasn’t interested in doing the film and should have said no.
“A bit wasted” is probably the best way to watch the Star Wars sequels.
god PLEASE just cancel this now. I’ll sacrifice the finest black sheep and white bull in my holdings
I think Domhnall Gleeson is a really interesting performer and I kind of don’t want to see him relegated to a sitcom for years. (Assuming this will basically be “Another Office”.) He was a bit wasted in the Star Wars sequels.
Nearly anything speculative by China Mieville, but in terms of ‘filmability’, The City & The City is probably the easiest.
God Emperor is totally doable with modern special effects.
Apatow asks us to think back to those halcyon days when television executives cared only about the best creative product, didn’t think of TV shows as content, and would never stoop to bulking up the amount of content they could air with cheap, bottom-feeding crap.
“corporate behemoths and people from the tech world” are “taking over creativity,” have turned everything into “content,” and have “diminished it as much as it possibly could be.”
Have they tried asking George W. Bush?
It’d be nice if we got a proper adaptation of the Teen Titans to wash the Titans out of our memories.
the first Eilish song i really identified/listened to is the opening credits to True Detective
I don’t even like Harry Potter but fuck her for telling people what they are “supposed” to like.
Entertainment is for everyone to enjoy.
Is there any correlation between having “mature” tastes in entertainment and being a mature person?
But even in this century she’s only made 2! It’s not as if she’s made a career out of them. (And one of the two was horrible.)
Sure, she’s a rom-com OG for those without the ability to remember that there were films made prior to this century.
Wait, are we really referring to Zooey Deschanel as an “OG” of the rom-com genre?
Nah I would say maybe Beast was the only likeable thing in that movie. They had Juggernaut run into a wall and knock himself out.
Maybe it’s just me but I don’t really get the point of bringing back characters that didn’t land in the first place for these multiverse movies.