
He’s a terrible person

That guy from Fear the Walking Dead won an Oscar?

This is fine. Stewart is pretty funny still. We’ll see if he’s still got it. I would watch. The reason I stopped watching The Daily Show 10+ years ago was because it’s 4x a week. That’s just too much. I’d watch once a week for 20 minutes, 20 weeks a year or so.

Ok cool, thanks

You gotta admit, it’s gone a lot better than the first XFL

Are PLEs still on Peacock?

In each trilogy, it’s diminishing returns with film. But, the original remains complete perfection. Am I excited at another one in the series? Well, I expect it to be bad, but dinosaurs in movies are freaking awesome, and if this the only way Hollywood will make dinosaur movies, then my butt will be in the seats.

When she encounters Daredevil in combat, a Blind superhero who can’t see her sign, even if he could understand ASL, we fear for her all the more.

Uh yeah, I guess, if you’re grading on a British scale.

You’re right, it will never go away. I mean “die” in the way a zombie is dead, but continues to move around and be terrible.

I’m not clicking on the video, but I will guess Diane

The frustrating thing for me is that I think I’ve read every appearance of Echo, and that seems to be very little related to this show.

I get that it’s popular, but I don’t understand the why. The whole thing sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me.

The only time YOU see Ben Affleck is when he’s getting his photo taken, usually without his consent. Of course he looks unhappy. That doesn’t mean he’s unhappy when people are leaving him alone.

I really liked the first season, but I was satisfied and felt no need to watch the second.

I know of her storyline, but I see Pascal and Ramsey as the clear main characters and everyone else as secondary.

I would have thought she would be continuing to be the star of movies, vs being a secondary character on TV. I guess HBO pays pretty well.


Obviously these are dumb and mean choices, but they are good because they will hasten the death of this awful platform.

These are terrible people