
I was already disappointed with the Roosevelt casting, then learned last night that this guy replaced Sean Astin, who was originally cast before it conflicted with Stranger Things 2. Now I’m double disappointed.

The guy playing Teddy Roosevelt has negative screen presence.

That dog sketch was the first some I’ve laughed out loud watching an SNL sketch for a while. He was a good boy, even if he did some hackey Fallon-esque breaking and mugging.

Yeah some of these shows just have no comments anymore post Kinja. I’ve watched this show since S1 and wish there were others here to dicuss

The scenes with Floki in Iceland this season have been some of the best cinematic scenes in the entire series. I rewound and watched Floki’s conversation with Odin several times last night. Absolutely stunning and, in a season that has actually outperformed my expectations, Floki’s story line has been my favorite so

AV club is so sad now. Sometimes i come here to hear my echo.....echo...echo..

Not since Dale died. That was the last episode that anything with character depth happened.

My thoughts exactly. Can’t watch animals die, even fake ones...

Tabitha? That was heartbreaking!!!

Horses, and deer, and cows, oh my! And your little tiger, too! (Wait...I’m melting...meeeelting...)

I’ve watched this show kill off major and minor characters without averting my eyes. I even watched the Glenn & Abraham kills AGAIN when that ep re-aired. I can watch all manner of godawfulness befall humans, on TWD or anywhere else. But a completely fake tiger? Nopenopenope. Couldn’t do it, can’t do it, won’t do it,

Don’t forget the translucent cgi deer.

And then there was Ruby the goat.

Whenever the tiger isn’t on screen I’m wondering, “Where the fuck is the tiger?”