First thought...We already are. I believe they’re called teenagers.
First thought...We already are. I believe they’re called teenagers.
That’s hilarious! I’m guilty of occasionally (maybe regularly) startling my two little elderly cats, Rio and (don’t laugh) Fluffetta, during each season of Vikings and Bates Motel as well as this show. They both passed on this past year at the age of nineteen, and now I feel even sillier and a little sheepish on the…
Just read your excellent article (and instead of self-promotion we’ll consider that your kindly response to an avid fan of both series). I read a lot about The Terror before it started airing, and I read various reviews after each episode. But your article was a delight I had not come your correlation of…
I sympathize. Last week I commented that my nerves were truly jangling because I watched The Americans while still trying to recover from last week’s episode of The Terror. My nerves are absolutely making music this week. Both shows are ramping up the tension as they approach their respective endings and I am…
Thank you so much! I had completely forgotten that.
I think the tender moments were harder to take (for me, anyway) than the moments of horror. And there were so many...Crozier with Fitzjames and then Blanky were of course the most heart-wrenching. But no sooner would I dry my eyes than another scene would restart the waterworks...Crozier with Hartnell (“You did good,…
Now I’m intrigued. I googled that film and as soon as I saw that Richard Widmark is in it I checked Netflix and was pleased to see its available there. It has really high ratings in member reviews and is now in my queue. I’m a movie buff and especially like old films starring the likes of Widmark, Burt Lancaster, etc.…
That’s perfect!
Stan’s spidey-sense was tingling almost as much as my nerves were jangling. And here I was recuperating (or trying to) from Monday night’s episode of The Terror, which was an especially tense episode, much as this was. Both shows ramping up the tension (and our anxiety levels) as they head toward their respective…
I think the most difficult thing for me to watch was when Philip and Elizabeth watched other operatives burn a man alive in a stack of tires. The sounds alone made me change channels (and there was some spiffy name for that method of murder but I seem to have blocked it from my memory).
Yes, and also if he’d mentioned he’d had to let three employees go...a verifiable fact to lend credence to his financial woes.
Thank goodness for Mr. Blanky! I realized how taut my nerves were when his remark to Crozier about joining them on the walk out to see the Inuits (“It’ll limber me up for the next 800 miles you’ll be makin’ me walk”) made me laugh aloud (hopefully not as maniacally as poor Mr. Collins), and again in the midst of the…
Yep, but oh what wonderful dialogue it is (I watch with the CC on so I don’t miss anything)! Not only does any seafaring tale remind me of Moby Dick, but the dialogue in this particular show reminds me of how Melville wrote...archaic to our eyes and ears but beautiful and worthy of our close attention.
Being as you like Ms. Gugino (as do I) and sci-fi, I’m wondering if you watched “Threshold” back in 2005, or since. It was with a charming pre-GoT Peter Dinklage and Brent Spiner. It was cancelled too soon, but I liked it and lately have been thinking of rewatching it. If you’ve never seen it, you might want to add it…
I will admit I love that movie. It’s murky and atmospheric in a good way...sort of like if Hammer Films had ever done a killer mermaid movie.
Same here. Everything one hears about Teddy emphasizes his loud and larger-than-life personality and presence throughout his life. Brian Geraghty is a fine actor, but doesn’t convey that famous persona.
I’ll just holler back across the abyss....a little (or a lot) of Rollo would definitely be a treat. And what would really make me happy would be some sort of callback for Travis Fimmel...a flashback or perhaps a ghostly visitation like they hinted at before, or similar to Aethelstan’s.
Helloooo!!! Is anybody out there? Or am I as alone as Floki in his newly discovered and desolate land?
I usually hate to hear Negan pontificate in that juvenile potty-mouth way of his (and I think he outdid himself or broke some sort of record with his male genitalia references and descriptives this week), but I have to admit to enjoying his chatty scenes with Father Gabriel. However, when he said he never killed…
I don’t know where I got “Ruby.” There must be a Ruby the goat somewhere. A friend of mine thought that was her name, too.