Deathwish Crow

If you want to slam Kotaku for something it should be our slowness in reporting some of this stuff. The reason it seems like ‘its up on Kotaku and then it’s gone right away’ is because we’re often covering it at the tail end of when it makes the rounds. Uranium’s finished game, for example, was pretty much on every

This is pretty ridiculous. A lot of the times the creators of the fan games send us the games themselves, asking for coverage. Sometimes, the games are broadcast/publicized on platforms that have like ten times our traffic, and we cover them after they’ve made the rounds on the internet and therefore became ‘news’. I

I visit this site due to the articles of Japanese culture, and isn't that why its called kotaku?

the site is called "kotaku" for a reason...they've always posted a bunch of stories about japanese culture. also everything you said makes you sound like a fox news pundit. Seriously, you're talented.

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